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The Semantic Integration project is comprised of 3 components: - Semantic Integration Workbench - The UML Loader - The Semantic Connector The latest production version of the SIW can be found here:

Registered: 2005-09-20 15:32
Activity Percentile: 92.66%
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Developer Info
Project Admins:
Charles Griffin
David Hau
Denise Warzel
Larry Hebel
Adam Fischman
Ann Wiley
Baris Suzek
Bilal Elahi
Brian Davis
Bronwyn Gagne
Christophe Ludet
Claire Wolfe
Hemant Shah
Janice Chilli
Jennifer Brush
John White
Jyothsna Chilukuri
Konrad Rokicki
Mary Cooper
Robert Freimuth
Roxanne Martinez
Rui Chen
Salvatore Mungal
Scott Li
Sharad Bhardwaj
Tommie Curtis
Wendy Erickson-Hirons
Ye Wu

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Latest File Releases
Package Version Date Notes / Monitor Download
siwSIW December 17, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
temploader4000_002 September 26, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download

Public Areas
Home Page Project Home Page

 - Bugs ( 80 open /318 total )
Bug Tracking System

 - Support ( 3 open /22 total )
Tech Support Tracking System

 - Patches ( 0 open /0 total )
Patch Tracking System

 - Feature Requests ( 145 open /262 total )
Feature Request Tracking System

Forums Public Forums ( 31 messages in 2 forums )
Docs DocManager: Project Documentation
Lists Mailing Lists ( 3 public mailing lists)
Tasks Task Manager
  - To Do
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Surveys Surveys ( 0 surveys )
SCM SCM Repository (CVS: 67,744 commits, 102,216 adds)


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