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MONTE How-to


MONTE is a powerful software module that was designed for sequence assignment. Visit the MONTE Web site ( Exit NIEHS to obtain the files and a license. Once you have installed and familiarized yourself with MONTE you may run from within NMRView. To do this, first change to the directory containing fm.tcl and fm.exe from within the tk_con in NMRView. Then simply run the command: 'source fm.tcl'. This should create two new windows. Before exporting or importing the files, the settings of the Chemical Shift Identification Table within MONTE must be set correctly. Once the table is set to indicate the column format of the data in the file the data can be understood. It is necessary to choose a place for the CO(i-1) residue even if no hnco or similar experiment is included.

Once MONTE is running within NMRView it is possible to use the cluster data from NvAssign in MONTE. To do this, first follow the instructions on exporting data to MONTE explained in Match Clusters. Once MONTE has been run and an acceptable output file has been generated the data about cluster assignments can be read back in to NvAssign. To import data, jump to the 'Assemble Fragments' step and press the 'Import:MONTE' button. A file box will come up to select the file desired, pick the one titled "*_final" in the experiment's directory and hit save. This will place the sequence information and atom shift information in the appropriate places in order to view the assignment in Assign-Sequence from the main menu. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: August 22, 2007