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Home My Page Project Tree caDSR Sentinel Tool
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The Sentinel Tool provides a set of rules (Alert Definitions) which report changes to the caDSR. When the conditions are met, emails are sent to a recipient list with a link to the Alert Report. All changes to Administered Items can be monitored.

Registered: 2005-10-31 15:07
Activity Percentile: 0%
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Latest News
caCORE 3.2 Release Notes
    Larry Hebel - 2007-01-08 16:20

Developer Info
Project Admins:
Charles Griffin
David Hau
Denise Warzel
Larry Hebel
Aaron Seib
Adam Fischman
Ann Wiley
Avinash Shanbhag
Bilal Elahi
Bill McCurry
Bronwyn Gagne
Dianne Reeves
Jamie Parker
Jennifer Brush
Judy Stillway
Jyothsna Chilukuri
nadine azie
Rebecca Angeles
Sumana Hegde
Tommie Curtis

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Latest File Releases
Package Version Date Notes / Monitor Download
Source4.0.0.0 November 10, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download
API4.0.0.0 November 10, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download

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