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The Form Builder organizes CDE's as "forms" that replicate the content of Case Report Forms and that can describe more complex form behavior, such as skip patterns. Form definitions can be exported in Excel format.

Registered: 2006-01-25 13:44
Activity Percentile: 58.71%
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Latest News
Form Builder 3.2 Known Issues
    Denise Warzel - 2007-01-08 12:06
Documentation Update 20060831
    Stephen Alred - 2006-08-31 10:08

Developer Info
Project Admins:
Ashwin Mathur
Charles Griffin
David Hau
Denise Warzel
Larry Hebel
Adam Fischman
Ann Wiley
Bilal Elahi
Bronwyn Gagne
Christo Andonyadis
Dianne Reeves
Janice Chilli
Jennifer Brush
Jessica Bondy
Michael Collins
Paul Courtney
Rebecca Angeles
Rebecca Hills
Rui Chen
Sumana Hegde
Tejas Dave
Tommie Curtis
Ye Wu

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Latest File Releases
Package Version Date Notes / Monitor Download
Source4.0.0.0 November 11, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download

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