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"Sexual behaviour among commercial sex workers in Uganda.".

Kaddumukasa A, Gawaya R; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 1996 Jul 7-12; 11: 387 (abstract no. Tu.D.2717).

Women & Youth (WAYS) Project, Kampala, Uganda.

Objective: To evaluate the sexual behaviour of Commercial Sex Workers in relation to the AIDS pandemic. Method: Focus group discussions, Interpersonal discussions, Interviewing, Questionniare Counselling session, Routine visits to drinking places and night clubs and slum workers residential places of. The study is based on a sample of 200 Commercial sex workers residing in 3 different locations in and around the capital of Kampala observed over a period of 2 year June 1993 - June 1995. These were aged between 15 - 40 Years. Results: At the end of the two year interaction with the, 50% of the commercial sex workers reported consistent use of condoms with all their clients and partners: (30% of reported occasional use of condoms with their clients and partners; 20% of reported minimum use of condoms with their clients and partners. Reasons for such response: (i) used condoms with the clients who insisted and provided the condoms. (ii) charged very high prices for sex clients who refused to use condoms; reported minimum use of condoms with their partners(Lovers). Conclusion: Commercial Sex Workers should be empowered to gain greater control over their own health and that of their clients and partners. Need to be supported to appreciate condom use with each other and every client and sexual partner. Recommendation: Condoms should be made accessible to through various AIDS Control Programmes. Social workers should foster supportive networks among. Media and Drama messages should consistently remind clients of to negotiate safer sex practices with the Commercial Sex Workers.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Condoms
  • Condoms, Female
  • Health Services Needs and Demand
  • Humans
  • Prostitution
  • Safe Sex
  • Sexual Behavior
  • Sexual Partners
  • Uganda
Other ID:
  • 96922887
UI: 102218786

From Meeting Abstracts

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