Testing Information

Testing Status of Agents at NTP

CAS Registry Number: 108-95-2

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Selected information from two of the National Library of Medicine's databases: ChemIDPlus1 and HSDB2.

Names (NTP)

  • Phenol


Chemical Structure for CAS Registry Number 108-95-2 from NLM

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Chemical Properties2

Property Description
  • Colorless acicular crystals or white, crystalline mass
  • White crystalline mass of hygroscopic, translucent needle-shaped crystals; pink or red when impurities are present; darkens on exposure to light
  • White, crystalline mass that turns pink or red if not perfectly pure or if under influence of light.
  • Colorless to light pink, interlaced, or separate, needleshaped crystals, or a ... light pink, crystalline mass
  • Colorless to light pink crystalline solid.
  • Distinct aromatic, somewhat sickening sweet and acrid odor, discernable at 0.5 to 5 ppm
  • Sweet, tarry odor
  • Somewhat sickeningly sweet and acrid
  • Sharp, burning taste
  • When in very weak solution it has a sweetish taste.
Boiling Point
  • 181.75 deg C @ 101.3 kPa
Melting Point
  • 40.91 deg C
Molecular Weight
  • 94.11
  • Caustic
Critical Temperature & Pressure
  • Critical temperature = 694.2 K; critical pressure = 6.13 MPa
Density/Specific Gravity
  • 1.071 g/cu cm
Disassociation Constants
  • pKa = 9.99 @ 25 deg C
Heat of Combustion
  • 3053.5 kJ/mol (solid)
Heat of Vaporization
  • 57.82 kJ/mol @ 25 deg C
log P (octanol-water)
  • Log Kow = 1.46
  • about 6.0 (aq soln)
  • 1 g/15 ml water
  • 1 g/12 ml benzene
  • Very soluble in alcohol, chloroform, ether, glycerol, carbon disulfide, petrolatum, volatile and fixed oils, and aqueous alkali hydroxides
  • Miscible with acetone
  • Very soluble in ether and partially dissociated organic in general; less soluble in parafinic hydrocarbons
  • Limited solubility in water from 0 to 65 deg C; above 65.3 deg C phenol and water are miscible in all proportions
  • In water, 8.28X10+4 mg/l @ 25 deg C
Spectral Properties
  • Index of refraction: 1.5408 @ 41 deg C
  • MAX ABSORPTION (ALC): 276 NM SHOULDER (LOG E= 3.16), 218.5 NM (LOG E= 3.78), 266 NM SHOULDER (LOG E= 3.18), 271 NM (LOG E= 3.28)
  • MASS: 61583 (NIST/EPA/MSDC Mass Spectral Database, 1990 Version)
  • IR: 4815 (Coblentz Society spectral collection)
  • UV: 258 (Sadtler Research Laboratories spectral collection)
  • Raman: 650 (Sadtler Research Laboratories spectral collection)
  • H-1 NMR: 3152 (Sadtler Research Laboratories spectral collection)
  • C-13 NMR: 160 (Johnson and Jankowski, Carbon-13 NMR Spectra, John Wiley and Sons, New York)
Surface Tension
  • 38.20 mN/m @ 50 deg C; 35.53 mN/m @ 75 deg C; 32.86 mN/m @ 100 deg C
Vapor Density
  • 3.24 (Air= 1)
Vapor Pressure
  • 0.35 mm Hg @ 25 deg C
Relative Evaporation Rate
  • None found
  • 3.437 mPa s @ 50 deg C; 1.784 mPa s @ 75 deg C; 1.099 mPa s @ 100 deg C
Other Properties
  • It is liquefied by mixing with about 8% water.
  • Latent heat of sublimation: 68.7 kJ/mole (25 deg C).
  • Heat of formation: -165.0 kJ/mole (25 deg C).
  • Ionization potential: 8.47 eV.
  • Heat of solution: -10.9 kJ/mole (20 deg C).
  • Coefficient of thermal expansion: 1.090 x 10-3/deg C (20 deg C).
  • Saturation concentration in air: 0.77 g/cu m @ 20 deg C, 2.0 g/cu m @ 30 deg C.
  • Concn in "saturated" air: 0.046% by volume (0.77 g/cu m) (25 deg C); Density of "saturated" air: 1.00104 (air=1); Conversion: 3.84 mg/cu m = 1 ppm; 1 mg/l = 0.26 mg/cu m
  • When free from water & cresols it congeals at 41 deg C & melts at 43 deg C.
  • Phenol coagulates collodion; liquefies or becomes semiliquid when triturated with acetanilide, butylchloral hydrate, camphor, monobromated camphor, chloral hydrate, diuretin, lead acetate, menthol, naphthalene, naphthol, acetophentidin, pyrogallol, resorcinol, salol, sodium phosphate, thymol, urethane, chloralamide, terpin hydrate.
  • Prone to redden on exposure to air and light, hastened on presence of alkalinity.
  • Absorbs water from the air and liquefies
  • Combustible
  • Molar heat capacity at constant pressure: 127.4 J/mol K @ 298.15 K
  • Enthalpy of fusion: 11.51 kJ/mol @ 40.89 deg C
  • Dielectric constant = 12.40 @ 303.2 K
  • Henry's law constant: 3.33X10-7 atm-cu m/mol @ 25 deg C
  • Hydroxyl radical reaction rate constant: 2.63X10-11 cu cm/molecule-sec @ 25 deg C

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  • For phenol (USEPA/OPP Pesticide Code: 064001) ACTIVE products with label matches. /SRP: Registered for use in the U.S. but approved pesticide uses may change periodically and so federal, state and local authorities must be consulted for currently approved uses./
  • As a general disinfectant, either in soln or mixed with slaked lime, etc., for toilets, stables, cesspools, floors, drains, etc.; for the manuf of colorless or light-colored artificial resins, many medical and industrial organic compds and dyes; as a reagent in chemical analysis.
  • Phenol is bacteriostatic in concentrations of approx 0.2%, bactericidal above 1%, and fungicidal above 1.3%.
  • Chemical intermediate for phenolic resins and bisphenol A.
  • Chemical intermediate for caprolactam via cyclohexanone.
  • Chemical intermediate for adipic acid.
  • Chemical intermediate for o-hydroxybenzoic acid. **PEER REVIEWED**
  • Chemical intermediate for plasticizers- e.g., cresyl diphenyl phosphate. **PEER REVIEWED**
  • ... Used in germicidal paints and slimicides.
  • Phenol is a disinfectant effective against vegetative Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria ... and certain viruses.
  • Chem int for alkylphenols, such as cresols, xylenols, 4-tert-butylphenol, octylphenols, and nonylphenols; chlorophenols; salycylic acid; aniline.
  • /Phenol is a/ pharmaceutical necessity as a preservative for injections, etc.

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Superlist Classes1

  • ATSDR Profile Priority List, rank : 183
  • Overall Carcinogenic Evaluation: Group 3
  • Reportable Quantity (RQ) = 1000 lb
  • Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) = 500/10000 lb
  • TWA(5 ppm); skin; Not classifiable as a human carcinogen; BEI
  • TWA 5 ppm (19 mg/m3); skin

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Notes (Sources: NTP,HSDB,RTECS,MESH)1

  • None found

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Other Registry Numbers1

  • 14534-23-7
  • 50356-25-7
  • 8002-07-1

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Synonyms (Sources: NTP, HSDB,RTECS,MESH)1

  • AI3-01814
  • Baker's P and S Liquid and Ointment
  • Benzenol
  • Carbolic acid
  • HSDB 113
  • Hydroxybenzene
  • Izal
  • Monohydroxybenzene
  • Monophenol
  • NCI-C50124
  • Oxybenzene
  • Phenic acid
  • Phenol alcohol
  • Phenyl alcohol
  • Phenyl hydrate
  • Phenyl hydroxide
  • Phenylic acid
  • Phenylic alcohol
  • RCRA waste number U188

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Links to Additional Information1

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1 Source: the National Library of Medicine's ChemIDPlus, 10/28/2007.

2 Source: the National Library of Medicine's Hazardous Substance Database, 10/28/2007.