at The Forsburg Lab

Welcome to PombeNet, and the Forsburg Lab!

We are part of the Molecular & Computational Biology Section in the Dept of Biological Sciences at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, CA. Our research examines the links between DNA replication, cell cycle, and chromosome dynamics in a model genetic system: the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

This web site (PombeNet) offers information on DNA replication and our research, as well as practical information, protocols and reference pages for working with fission yeast, internet guides to pombe, sequence analysis, and women in biology, and an introduction to our group. Students can find teaching pages for Susan's courses and lectures. There are also pages about running.

Use this directory page to find your way to the most appropriate section of our web site, from which you can navigate to additional internal pages. An abbreviated directory can also be found at the bottom of the internal pages.

5th International Pombe Meeting

The 5th international pombe meeting will be held on 26-31 Oct 2009 in Tokyo, Japan. Put it on your calendar!

Course: genomic approaches in fission yeast

2008 Wellcome Trust Advanced Course on genome-wide approaches with fission yeast (December 13-19) at the Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK. The deadline for applications is 1st August 2008.

Bioneer pombe site now open

Check it out at http://pombe.bioneer.co.kr/. Obligatory disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of any commercial product

Frequently asked questions

Check out our FAQ for quick answers to your pombe questions.

Pombe, the cheetah

The San Diego Zoo has named one of its female cheetah cubs "Pombe". Excellent choice, we think.

Research opportunities in the Forsburg Lab

Please click here for information about undergraduate, graduate, or postdoc opportunities in the Forsburg Lab.

*About our science:

 [ USC ]

*Working with fission yeast:


* Guides, links, and bookmarks:

 [Forsburg Lab]

* Reference pages:

*About us:

*Teaching resources:

*Running pages

*Lab site

Quick navigation on inside pages

Click the lab logo
to return to this directory page

Click on Tommy Trojan
for the USC home page
A short directory is in the gold box at the bottom of each page


Awards for the pombe pages:

recommended by Nature Reviews

Key Resource
Links2Go Key Resource
Yeast Topic
Citeline award HMS Beagle Featured Lab HMS Beagle WEb Pick Biomedlink

See the Women-in-biology page for its own awards list
Visit our comments page to see our award citations and find out what our readers are saying!

© S. L. Forsburg 1995-2007.
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