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Health Information Resource Database

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by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.]

American Association on Health and Disability

Contact Information

110 N. Washington Street
Suite 340A
Rockville, MD 20850

301-545-6140 (Voice)
301-545-6144 (FAX)

Internet Resources


The American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD), a membership organization, is dedicated to the advancement of theory, knowledge and practice in the prevention of secondary disabling conditions and promotion of health and wellness for people with disabilities. AAHD’s mission is to support health promotion and wellness initiatives for people with disabilities at the federal, state and local level, reduce the incidence of secondary conditions in people with disabilities, as well as reduce health disparities between people with disabilities and the general population. AAHD achieves its mission through research, education, public awareness and advocacy.



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Date Entered: 9/30/2007
Date Edited: 9/30/2007
Date Revised: 11/7/2007 12:37:51 PM
Health Referral Number: HR3830
Accession Number:

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