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Black AIDS Institute

Contact Information

1833 W 8th St Ste 200
Los Angeles, CA 90057

213-353-3610 (Voice)
213-989-0181 (FAX)

Internet Resources


The Black AIDS Institute (BAI) is a policy center dedicated to reducing HIV/AIDS health disparities by mobilizing Black institutions and individuals in efforts to confront the epidemic in their communities. Oversight of BAI is provided by its board of directors, a diverse group of medical, community, political, and media experts committed to the organization and its mission. Guidance for BAI's training and education programs is provided by a scientific advisory board comprised of some of the country's leading scientists and public health experts.



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Date Entered: 9/26/2007
Date Edited: 10/30/2007
Date Revised:
Health Referral Number: HR3822
Accession Number:

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