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Family Care Research Program

Contact Information

B510 West Fee Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

517-353-0306 (Voice)
517-353-8612 (FAX)

Internet Resources


Family Care Research Program is a collaborative, interdisciplinary effort of faculty from the Michigan State University Colleges of Nursing and Human Medicine and the Department of Family Practice. The program's primary goal is to learn how patients and families face the burden of providing care, primarily for patients with cancer, in a transforming health care system; to better understand how families learn to care; and to disseminate this scientific knowledge and influence health care reform and policy.



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Date Entered: 8/27/1999
Date Edited: 10/6/2005
Date Revised: 3/6/2007 12:29:30 PM
Health Referral Number: HR3218
Accession Number:

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