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HIV/AIDS Services, Health Resources and Services Administration

Contact Information

Director, HAB Office of Communications
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857

301-443-3376 (Voice)

Internet Resources


The HIV/AIDS Bureau is the largest single source, next to the Medicaid program, of Federal funding for HIV/AIDS care for low-income, un- and underinsured individuals. The HIV/AIDS Bureau administers the the Ryan White CARE Act, which funds primary care and support services for medically underserved people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. The Bureau's programs focus on the most important issues in HIV/AIDS, including managed care, HIV/AIDS drugs, treatment adherence, data and evaluation, measuring outcomes, and reaching the most vulnerable populations. Through its AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC) Program, the Bureau helps to ensure that HIV/AIDS care providers are well-trained and educated about state-of-the-art care and treatment. The HIV/AIDS Bureau also provides training and technical assistance to grantees as they provide care to people living with HIV/AIDS.



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Date Entered: 1/21/1999
Date Edited: 1/25/2007
Date Revised: 8/6/2007 6:48:19 PM
Health Referral Number: HR3049
Accession Number:

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