National  Health Information Center 

Health Information Resource Database

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AIDS Action

Contact Information

1730 M Street NW
Suite 611
Washington, DC 20036

202-530-8030 (Voice)
202-530-8031 (FAX)

Internet Resources


Founded in 1984, AIDS Action is a network of 3200 national community-based organizations and the one million HIV-positive Americans they help serve. AIDS Action is dedicated to responsible federal policy for improved care and services, robust medical research and effective prevention. As the national voice on AIDS, AIDS Action convenes NORA, the Washington consortium of 175 national advocacy organizations concerned about AIDS.



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Date Entered: 12/14/1998
Date Edited: 4/14/2006
Date Revised: 1/8/2007
Health Referral Number: HR2980
Accession Number:

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