National  Health Information Center 

Health Information Resource Database

[Inclusion of an information resource in this database does not imply endorsement
by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.]

Centers for Disease Control, National Prevention Information Network

Contact Information

Melissa Beaupierre, Program Director
P.O. Box 6003
Rockville, MD 20849-6003

800-458-5231 (Voice - Toll-free)
404-679-3860 (Voice)
888-282-7681 (FAX)

Internet Resources


The CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) is the U.S. reference, referral, and distribution service for information on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and tuberculosis (TB). NPIN produces, collects, catalogs, processes, stocks, and disseminates materials and information on HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, STDs, and TB to organizations and people working in those disease fields in international, national, state, and local settings. All NPIN services are designed to facilitate sharing of information and resources on education and prevention services, published materials, research findings, and trends among users.


CDC NPIN distributes brochures, posters, fact sheets, and videotapes about HIV/AIDS, STDs, and TB


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Date Entered: 8/1/1997
Date Edited: 11/8/2007
Date Revised: 11/7/2007 12:51:06 PM
Health Referral Number: HR2340
Accession Number: DP91A1028

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