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Association for Research of Childhood Cancer

Contact Information

P.O. Box 251
Buffalo, NY 14225-0251

716-681-4433 (Voice)

Internet Resources


The Association for Research of Childhood Cancer (AROCC) is a nonprofit organization, staffed by volunteers, formed in 1971 by parents who had lost children to pediatric cancer. The seven charter members determined to raise funds by various projects in order to provide "seed money" to various pediatric research centers in order to find a cure and, ultimately, prevent the types of cancer that attack children. Funds are also obtained from community activities; memorial contributions; and donations from businesses, private foundations, and concerned individuals. As a parent support group AROCC aids parents of young cancer victims by distributing information on treatment, emotional aspects, and patient services via their publications.


The Association publishes the Parent/Child Handbook which explains, in layman's terms, all phases of the disease, treatment, emotional aspects, and the side effects of chemotherapy. Serial publication: Newsletter, three times a year--news on new projects, a medical advisor's column, as well as fund raising information and results.


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Date Entered: 7/1/1997
Date Edited: 3/19/2004
Date Revised: 8/7/2006 10:54:21 AM
Health Referral Number: HR2146
Accession Number: DP91A0762

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