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American Cancer Society

Contact Information

Angela Collins, Communication & Marketing Director
250 Williams Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30303-1002

800-ACS-2345 (Voice - Toll-free)
1-866-228-4327 (Voice - TTY)

Internet Resources


The American Cancer Society (ACS) was originally established as the American Society for the Control of Cancer in 1913, and became the ACS in 1945. ACS is the voluntary organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. It conducts and supports programs of research, education, and service to the cancer patient. The Society's immediate goal of saving more lives is served through educating the public about prevention and early detection of cancer, the importance of prompt treatment, and the possibilities of cure, through educating the medical profession to the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and through direct service to the cancer patient and the patient's family. Public education activities include a toll-free cancer information services publication of a variety of pamphlets, educational programs conducted in schools and communities, and presentation of materials in the mass media. The Society has a comprehensive professional education program designed to motivate physicians, dentists, and nurses to use the best cancer management techniques. The Society conducts service and rehabilitation programs for cancer patients and their families. ACS supports cancer research through several types of research grants and disseminates the research results. ACS has 17 divisions as well as over 3400 local units.


Serial publications: Annual Report; Cancer Facts and Figures (booklet), annual.


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Date Entered: 3/1/1998
Date Edited: 5/15/2008
Date Revised: 11/7/2007 12:39:03 PM
Health Referral Number: HR0143
Accession Number: DP91A0799

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