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Investigative Opportunities in the RIM (Rituximab in Myositis) Study

  • 07-Mar-05
  • Proposals are being sought for potential investigative opportunities using the planned data and sample collection from the RIM Study. As part of the trial, data on disease activity and damage will be collected along with blood, urine and muscle biopsy samples. All data and samples will be stored at the University of Pittsburgh, the Coordinating Center. Potential ancillary studies include, but are not limited to:

    1. Utilization of the RIM Study data and samples
    2. Additional projects that could be initiated at current participating RIM Study centers.

    Proposals will be critically reviewed by the RIM oversight committee and will be approved on merit and relevance, as well as a lack of redundancy. A one page summary is required including specific aims, materials requested and the potential funding agency. Proposed studies should include financial support for the Coordinating Center to provide the requested data and samples. Acknowledgment of the contributions of the RIM Study is mandatory including co-authorship on publications or other acknowledgments.

    A one page summary of the study proposal should be sent to the attention of Sherry Pryber, Project Manager of the RIM Study, at the University of Pittsburgh Division of Rheumatology, S 703A BST, 3500 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, 412-647-3241. Please allow 14-21 days for a response.
  • Program Updates Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: October 30, 2007