WAG Presentation

  • Wednesday, October 29, 2008
    1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    Building 45/ William H. Natcher Building, Balcony B

    Greg Grothaus, a lead engineer in Google’s Search Quality team, will examine the challenges of Search Engine Optimization. Greg's presentation will help you to:
    • Make your images more accessible to Googlebot and users.
    • Implement "Web 2.0" technologies like Flash and AJAX in a way that better enables people to navigate and transact on your site from varied devices.
    • Improve how your pages are titled in Google's search results, which can lead to more relevant click-throughs to your site.
    • Minimize the number of URLs per page or content block ("duplicate content") and learn why this is important.
    • Delve into the newer features of Google's Webmaster Tools and explore their strengths and limitations


This page was last reviewed on November 4, 2008 .
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