WAG Presentation

  • CMS Working Group Special Event Sponsored by WAG

    Wednesday, April 16, 2008
    11:00 a.m. – Noon
    Building 45/ William H. Natcher Building, Balcony A

    Topic: "Structuring Web Content with the User in Mind"

    Guest Speaker: Thom Haller

    Thom helps organizations and government agencies improve the structure of electronic and print information. He facilitates workgroups, enrolls stakeholders in user-focused thinking , and coaches organizations in systematic thinking for helping their constituencies use content to get their jobs done.

    Thom has been an active volunteer in the Federal Plain Language Movement. He led a team in restructuring www.plainlanguage.gov and directed the Center for Plain Language. Thom teaches courses in Information Architecture, Web Writing, Information Engineering, and Strategies for Organizational Storytelling. He believes usable content is possible, even with the most challenging topics and audiences.


This page was last reviewed on October 23, 2008 .
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