United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

FAQ: NLM LocatorPlus - Wildcard Characters

Question: Is it possible to use wildcards or other special characters when I search LocatorPlus?

Wildcard characters and other special characters you can use are:

Example Retrieves
neuro?pharmacology neuropharmacology, neuropsychopharmacology
h?ematology hematology or haematology
?clinic clinic, polyclinic, multiclinic, teleclinic, etc.
clinic? clinic, clinics, clinical, clinician, clinicians, etc.

Note: the asterisk is not available as a wildcard in LocatorPlus because it is used in Voyager to increase the relevance of a term. The question mark wildcard does not work in Z39.50 searches of LocatorPlus.

Example Retrieves
wom%n woman or women
clinic% clinics, clinica, clinico, etc.
clinic%%% clinician, clinicals, etc.

Note: the percent sign wildcard does not work in Z39.50.

Example of Keyword Anywhere search using several special characters:

child? "popular works" +leukemia *therapy

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LocatorPlus Questions

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Last reviewed: 23 February 2009
Last updated: 14 February 2008
First published: 22 February 2007
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed