The Commonwealth Fund

Health Policy, Health Reform, and Performance Improvement


Welcome to ChartCart and Performance Snapshots, which allow you to create your own collections of Commonwealth Fund charts. Also review our interactive State Scorecard map, which features state-specific performance profiles drawn from the Commission on a High Performance Health System's report assessing each state.

Chart CartChartCart

Chart Cart is an online resource that offers free and convenient access to Commonwealth Fund charts. This rich collection of graphical data is available for you to use in your own research and presentations.

Performance SnapshotsPerformance Snapshots

A compendium of charts and narratives that enables you to track the performance and quality of the U.S. health system.

State ScorecardState Scorecard

This interactive U.S. map draws from the Commission on a High Performance Health System's report, Aiming Higher: Results from a State Scorecard on Health System Performance. Use the map to view state-specific rankings and results compared to benchmarks, and to view the number of lives and dollars each state could save by achieving benchmark levels of performance.

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