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Special Features:
State Economic Review
January 2009
2008 NGA Centennial Meeting
Video | Photos | Policy Positions
2009 State of the State Speeches
(courtesy of
In the States:
Michigan Creates 10 Tuition-Free "Promise Zones"—Michigan has unveiled a program to help improve access to higher education for low-income students. The program creates up to 10 "Promise Zones" in high-poverty school districts or communities in which students are eligible for full or partial college tuition.
Current News & Events:
<!--00-->NGA Statement Regarding American Recovery and Reinvestment PlanNGA Statement Regarding American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
States are facing fiscal conditions not seen since the Great Depression—anticipated budget shortfalls are expected in excess of $200 billion.
<!--01-->Innovative Financing Options Key to Restoring and Enhancing Nation's Transportation InfrastructureInnovative Financing Options Key to Restoring and Enhancing Nation's Transportation Infrastructure
States are at the forefront of operating and maintaining our nation's transportation assets but increasingly need to develop innovative funding and financing strategies to achieve this task, according to a new report issued today by the NGA Center.
<!--02-->NGA Responds to USA Today News StoryNGA Responds to USA Today News Story
NGA Executive Director Raymond C. Scheppach issues a response to USA Today for incorrectly stating the association’s position regarding economic recovery. To view the letter, click here.