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  caDSR Release Highlights
Added by Ann Wiley, last edited by Ann Wiley on Jan 09, 2009  (view change)



This release of caDSR completes the process of separating the CBIIT CORE APIs, caBIO, EVS and caDSR. Highlights of this release are described on this page.

caDSR Grid Data Service

The first caDSR Grid Data Service is being deployed as part of caDSR This data service provides access to both caDSR domain model packages, the caDSR model based on the ISO 11179 information model, and the caDSR UML Project model, which puts a UML "face" on the metadata registry structure. Use of the caDSR Grid Data Service is being incorporated in the caGrid 1.3 release, and extends the means of access to caDSR content for caBIG® adopters.

caDSR metadata registry enhancements

Value Meanings and Classification Scheme Items are now Administered Components

Release completes the transition of Value Meanings to full Administered Component status that was started in release 3.2. This change provides more flexibility in naming and administering Value Meanings. Enhancing Classification Scheme Items to be Administered Components provides greater flexibility in loading UML Models, particularly for Global Model Exchange (GME) metadata.

The caDSR tools that maintain or review Value Meanings and Classification Scheme Items have all been enhanced to incorporate this new design.

Registration metadata exposed

This change elaborates caDSR support of the registration authority information for a given Administered Component. This includes changes necessary to meet 11179 requirements as well as attributes found necessary to support multiple metadata registries in the caBIG® community.

caDSR infrastructure enhancements

The caDSR project invested in several software infrastructure efforts that are not very visible to the caDSR user but provide the flexibility for significant usability and productivity enhancements over time.

caDSR Form Builder is now an independent application

Previously the Form Builder was tightly integrated with the CDE Browser, a design that impeded planned changes to the Form Builder. As part of caDSR, the Form Builder is now an independent entity with its own URL. This change positions the Form Builder to be more responsive to the needs of caDSR users who work with Forms metadata. The connectivity between the CDE Browser and the Form Builder remains unchanged, although that connection itself uses a new tool, the caDSR Object Cart

An "Object Cart" has been developed

The functions supported by the CDE Cart are now handled by a new component, the caDSR Object Cart. The change is invisible to users.

The Object Cart utility not only supports the shopping cart functionality previously used to select Data Elements and use them on Forms, but as an independent software component it will be incorporated into the design of other tools as well. The Object Cart is a key component for future caDSR enhancements, particularly regarding metadata downloads, moving metadata among caDSR tools, and exchanging metadata with external registries.

caDSR Tool enhancements

Enhancements related to Value Meanings and Classification Scheme Items as Administered Components

All the caDSR tools as well as the infrastructure and APIs were enhanced to support the transition of Value Meanings and Classification Scheme Items as Administered Components. These changes took different forms depending on the nature of the tool:

  • Curation-oriented tools, such as the Curation Tool and the Administration Tool, have extended capabilities to capture the Administered Component metadata now included with these objects
  • Browsing tools, such as the CDE Browser and the UML Model Browser, now display these extended attributes
  • The underlying caDSR infrastructure and APIs have been extended to capture the new metadata and to provide programmatic access to it

Additional enhancements to the tools

Several tools have been enhanced in other ways unrelated to the Value Meaning and Classification Scheme Item changes as follows.

  • CDE Browser: Enhancements to the search tree and to default search settings
  • Curation Tool: Bug fixes related to Block Edits, data value defaults, and software usability
  • Form Builder: Changes to the handling of search defaults and a bug fix that permits longer form header and footer entries
  • UML Model Browser and CDE Browser: The Object Class Browser now adjusts its behavior according to how it is being used. If it is invoked from the CDE Browser it will display Object Class metadata across all of the Classification Schemes under which it is classified. If it is invoked from the UML Model Browser, then it will display only that Object Class metadata that has been classified under the UML Model Project that is being browsed.

Release Notes

For the complete description of product changes and Release Notes, go to caCORE Incremental RELEASE NOTES Index Page.

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health