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Study Publications

Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)

Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)

The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study generated data that the Epidemiology Branch and its collaborators published in peer-reviewed journal articles. To find out more about the study, please click the following links to journal articles and abstracts.


  1. Paltiel L, Rønningen KS, Meltzer HM, Baker SV, Hoppin JA. Evaluation of freeze thaw cycles on stored plasma in the Biobank of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Cell Preserv Technol, in press.


  1. Rønningen KS, Paltiel L, Meltzer HM, Nordhagen R, Lie KK, Hovengen R, Haugen M, Nystad W, Hoppin JA, Magnus P. Biobanken i Den norske mor og barn undersokelsen. [The biobank of the Norwegian mother and child cohort study] Norsk Epidemiologi [Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology] 2006;16:59-62 (in Norwegian).
  2. Hoppin JA, Ulmer R, Calafat AM, Barr DB, Baker SV, Meltzer HM, Rønningen KS. Impact of urine preservation methods and duration of storage on measured levels of environmental contaminants. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2006;16: 39-48.
  3. Rønningen KS, Paltiel L, Meltzer HM, Nordhagen R, Lie KK, Hovengen R, Haugen M, Nystad W, Magnus P, Hoppin JA. The Biobank of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study—a resource for the next 100 years. Eur J Epidemiol 2006;21:619-25.

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Last Reviewed: October 09, 2008