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O.M. Zack Howard, Ph.D.

Selected Publications

1)  Ramirez BL, Howard OM, Dong HF, Edamatsu T, Gao P, Hartlein M, Kron M.
Brugia malayi Asparaginyl-Transfer RNA Synthetase Induces Chemotaxis of Human Leukocytes and Activates G-Protein-Coupled Receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2.
J. Infect. Dis. 193: 1164-71, 2006.
2)  Chen X, Winkler-Pickett RT, Carbonetti NH, Ortaldo JR, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Pertussis toxin as an adjuvant suppresses the number and function of CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells.
Eur. J. Immunol. 36: 671-80, 2006.
3)  Oppenheim JJ, Dong HF, Plotz P, Caspi RR, Dykstra M, Pierce S, Martin R, Carlos C, Finn O, Koul O, Howard OM.
Autoantigens act as tissue-specific chemoattractants.
J. Leukoc. Biol. 77: 854-61, 2005.
4)  Howard OM, Dong HF, Su SB, Caspi RR, Chen X, Plotz P, Oppenheim JJ.
Autoantigens signal through chemokine receptors: uveitis antigens induce CXCR3- and CXCR5-expressing lymphocytes and immature dendritic cells to migrate.
Blood. 105: 4207-14, 2005.
5)  Chen X, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
BALB/c mice have more CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells and show greater susceptibility to suppression of their CD4+CD25- responder T cells than C57BL/6 mice.
J. Leukoc. Biol. 78: 114-21, 2005.
6)  Zhou Y, Bian X, Le Y, Gong W, Hu J, Zhang X, Wang L, Iribarren P, Salcedo R, Howard OM, Farrar W, Wang JM.
Formylpeptide receptor FPR and the rapid growth of malignant human gliomas.
J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 97: 823-35, 2005.
7)  Carlos CA, Dong HF, Howard OM, Oppenheim JJ, Hanisch FG, Finn OJ.
Human tumor antigen MUC1 is chemotactic for immature dendritic cells and elicits maturation but does not promote Th1 type immunity.
J. Immunol. 175: 1628-35, 2005.
8)  Gao P, Wange RL, Zhang N, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Negative regulation of CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis by the lipid phosphatase activity of tumor suppressor PTEN.
Blood. 106: 2619-26, 2005.
9)  Krakauer T, Chen X, Howard OM, Young HA.
Triptolide attenuates endotoxin- and staphylococcal exotoxin-induced T-cell proliferation and production of cytokines and chemokines.
Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology. 27: 53-66, 2005.
10)  Chen X, Murakami T, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Triptolide, a constituent of immunosuppressive Chinese herbal medicine, is a potent suppressor of dendritic-cell maturation and trafficking.
Blood. 106: 2409-16, 2005.
11)  Dong HF, Wigmore K, Carrington MN, Dean M, Turpin JA, Howard OM.
Variants of CCR5, which are permissive for HIV-1 infection, show distinct functional responses to CCL3, CCL4 and CCL5.
Genes Immun. 6: 609-19, 2005.
12)  Howard OM, Galligan CL.
An expanding appreciation of the role chemokine receptors play in cancer progression.
Curr. Pharm. Des. 10: 2377-89, 2004.
13)  Chen X, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Chemokines and chemokine receptors as novel therapeutic targets in rheumatoid arthritis (RA): inhibitory effects of traditional Chinese medicinal components.
Cell. Mol. Immunol. 1: 336-42, 2004.
14)  Chen X, Murakami T, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Differential response of murine CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25- T cells to dexamethasone-induced cell death.
Eur. J. Immunol. 34: 859-69, 2004.
15)  Howard OM, Turpin JA, Goldman R, Modi WS.
Functional redundancy of the human CCL4 and CCL4L1 chemokine genes.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 320: 927-31, 2004.
16)  Yang D, Chen Q, Rosenberg HF, Rybak SM, Newton DL, Wang ZY, Fu Q, Tchernev VT, Wang M, Schweitzer B, Kingsmore SF, Patel DD, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Human ribonuclease A superfamily members, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin and pancreatic ribonuclease, induce dendritic cell maturation and activation.
J. Immunol. 173: 6134-42, 2004.
17)  Chen S, Howard O.
Images in clinical medicine. Parvovirus B19 infection.
N. Engl. J. Med. 350: 598, 2004.
18)  Felix K, Gerstmeier S, Kyriakopoulos A, Howard OM, Dong HF, Eckhaus M, Behne D, Bornkamm GW, Janz S.
Selenium deficiency abrogates inflammation-dependent plasma cell tumors in mice.
Cancer Res. 64: 2910-7, 2004.
19)  Wang LH, Yang XY, Zhang X, Mihalic K, Fan YX, Xiao W, Howard OM, Appella E, Maynard AT, Farrar WL.
Suppression of breast cancer by chemical modulation of vulnerable zinc fingers in estrogen receptor.
Nat. Med. 10: 40-7, 2004.
20)  Galligan CL, Matsuyama W, Matsukawa A, Mizuta H, Hodge DR, Howard OM, Yoshimura T.
Up-regulated expression and activation of the orphan chemokine receptor, CCRL2, in rheumatoid arthritis.
Arthritis Rheum. 50: 1806-14, 2004.
21)  Chen X, Krakauer T, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Yin zi huang, an injectable multicomponent chinese herbal medicine, is a potent inhibitor of T-cell activation.
Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.). 10: 519-26, 2004.
22)  Lin J, Dong HF, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Effects of astragali radix on the growth of different cancer cell lines.
World J. Gastroenterol. 9: 670-3, 2003.
23)  Krakauer T, Chen X, Howard OM, Young HA.
RNase protection assay for the study of the differential effects of therapeutic agents in suppressing staphylococcal enterotoxin B-induced cytokines in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Methods Mol. Biol. 214: 151-64, 2003.
24)  Szabo I, Wetzel MA, Zhang N, Steele AD, Kaminsky DE, Chen C, Liu-Chen LY, Bednar F, Henderson EE, Howard OM, Oppenheim JJ, Rogers TJ.
Selective inactivation of CCR5 and decreased infectivity of R5 HIV-1 strains mediated by opioid-induced heterologous desensitization.
J. Leukoc. Biol. 74: 1074-82, 2003.
25)  Chen X, Yang L, Zhang N, Turpin JA, Buckheit RW, Osterling C, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Shikonin, a component of chinese herbal medicine, inhibits chemokine receptor function and suppresses human immunodeficiency virus type 1.
Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 47: 2810-6, 2003.
26)  Chen X, Beutler JA, McCloud TG, Loehfelm A, Yang L, Dong HF, Chertov OY, Salcedo R, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Tannic acid is an inhibitor of CXCL12 (SDF-1alpha)/CXCR4 with antiangiogenic activity.
Clin. Cancer Res. 9: 3115-23, 2003.
27)  Oppenheim JJ, Yang D, Biragyn A, Howard OM, Plotz P.
Chemokine receptors on dendritic cells promote autoimmune reactions.
Arthritis Res. 4 Suppl 3: S183-8, 2002.
28)  Chen X, Howard OM, Yang X, Wang L, Oppenheim JJ, Krakauer T.
Effects of Shuanghuanglian and Qingkailing, two multi-components of traditional Chinese medicinal preparations, on human leukocyte function.
Life Sci. 70: 2897-913, 2002.
29)  Szabo I, Chen XH, Xin L, Adler MW, Howard OM, Oppenheim JJ, Rogers TJ.
Heterologous desensitization of opioid receptors by chemokines inhibits chemotaxis and enhances the perception of pain.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99: 10276-81, 2002.
30)  Howard OM, Dong HF, Yang D, Raben N, Nagaraju K, Rosen A, Casciola-Rosen L, Härtlein M, Kron M, Yang D, Yiadom K, Dwivedi S, Plotz PH, Oppenheim JJ.
Histidyl-tRNA synthetase and asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase, autoantigens in myositis, activate chemokine receptors on T lymphocytes and immature dendritic cells.
J. Exp. Med. 196: 781-91, 2002.
31)  Chen X, Mellon RD, Yang L, Dong H, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Regulatory effects of deoxycholic acid, a component of the anti-inflammatory traditional Chinese medicine Niuhuang, on human leukocyte response to chemoattractants.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 63: 533-41, 2002.
32)  Lin TS, Howard OM, Neuberg DS, Kim HH, Shipp MA.
Seventy-two hour continuous infusion flavopiridol in relapsed and refractory mantle cell lymphoma.
Leuk. Lymphoma. 43: 793-7, 2002.
33)  Schneider GP, Salcedo R, Dong HF, Kleinman HK, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM.
Suradista NSC 651016 inhibits the angiogenic activity of CXCL12-stromal cell-derived factor 1alpha.
Clin. Cancer Res. 8: 3955-60, 2002.
34)  Howard OM, Dong HF, Oppenheim JJ, Insaf S, Santhosh KC, Paul G, Cushman M.
Inhibition of RANTES/CCR1-mediated chemotaxis by cosalane and related compounds.
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 11: 59-62, 2001.
35)  Chen X, Oppenheim J, Howard OM.
Shikonin, a component of antiinflammatory Chinese herbal medicine, selectively blocks chemokine binding to CC chemokine receptor-1.
Int. Immunopharmacol. 1: 229-36, 2001.
36)  Schneider GP, Salcedo R, Welniak LA, Howard OM, Murphy WJ.
The diverse role of chemokines in tumor progression: prospects for intervention (Review).
Int. J. Mol. Med. 8: 235-44, 2001.
37)  Rogers TJ, Steele AD, Howard OM, Oppenheim JJ.
Bidirectional heterologous desensitization of opioid and chemokine receptors.
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 917: 19-28, 2000.
38)  Yang D, Chen Q, Stoll S, Chen X, Howard OM, Oppenheim JJ.
Differential regulation of responsiveness to fMLP and C5a upon dendritic cell maturation: correlation with receptor expression.
J. Immunol. 165: 2694-702, 2000.
39)  Howard OM, Dong HF, Shirakawa AK, Oppenheim JJ.
LEC induces chemotaxis and adhesion by interacting with CCR1 and CCR8.
Blood. 96: 840-5, 2000.
40)  Chertov O, Yang D, Howard OM, Oppenheim JJ.
Leukocyte granule proteins mobilize innate host defenses and adaptive immune responses.
Immunol. Rev. 177: 68-78, 2000.
41)  Yang D, Chertov O, Bykovskaia SN, Chen Q, Buffo MJ, Shogan J, Anderson M, Schröder JM, Wang JM, Howard OM, Oppenheim JJ.
Beta-defensins: linking innate and adaptive immunity through dendritic and T cell CCR6.
Science. 286: 525-8, 1999.
42)  Howard OM, Oppenheim JJ, Wang JM.
Chemokines as molecular targets for therapeutic intervention.
J. Clin. Immunol. 19: 280-92, 1999.
43)  Su SB, Ueda H, Howard OM, Grimm MC, Gong W, Ruscetti FW, Oppenheim JJ, Wang JM.
Inhibition of the expression and function of chemokine receptors on human CD4+ leukocytes by HIV-1 envelope protein gp120.
Chem. Immunol. 72: 141-60, 1999.
44)  Dean M, Jacobson LP, McFarlane G, Margolick JB, Jenkins FJ, Howard OM, Dong HF, Goedert JJ, Buchbinder S, Gomperts E, Vlahov D, Oppenheim JJ, O'Brien SJ, Carrington M.
Reduced risk of AIDS lymphoma in individuals heterozygous for the CCR5-delta32 mutation.
Cancer Res. 59: 3561-4, 1999.
45)  Chung IY, Dong HF, Zhang X, Hassanein NM, Howard OM, Oppenheim JJ, Chen X.
Effects of IL-7 and dexamethasone: induction of CD25, the high affinity IL-2 receptor, on human CD4+ cells.
Cell. Immunol. 232: 57-63, , ,.

This page was last updated on 6/23/2006.