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NIDA Home > Publications > A Community Reinforcement Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction

A Community Reinforcement Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction

Exhibit 22: Examples of Relationship-Related Activities

  • Household responsibilities:
    • Yard work
    • Cleaning the house, such as sweeping, dusting, and cleaning the bathroom
    • Grocery shopping
    • Cooking the meals
    • Washing the dishes
    • Doing the laundry
    • Caring for the car
  • Rearing of children:
    • Preparing meals
    • Bathing the children
    • Disciplining the children
    • Watching the children
    • Playing with the children
    • Helping them when needed
  • Social activities:
    • Going together -
      • to the movies
      • out to dirmer
      • to parties, to night clubs, for walks
    • Participating in or watching sporting activities together
  • Money:
    • Having an allowance
    • Buying or receiving presents
    • Budgeting money
    • Saving too little or too much
    • Buying clothes and other necessities
  • Communication:
    • Planned discussion periods
    • Frequent discussion periods
    • Frequent arguments
    • The use of tactful statements
    • Misinterpretation of things said
    • Solving problems through discussion
  • Sex/affection:
    • Frequency
    • Location
    • Type
    • Show of public affection
    • Extramarital relationships
    • Jealousy
  • Academic or occupational progress:
    • Spends too much or too little time on it
    • Meets status expectations
    • Too much procrastination
    • Constant complaining about the job
    • Poor job location
  • Personal independence:
    • Night out alone
    • Day off alone
    • Lets me drive the car by myself
    • Let me learn to drive
    • Feel free to ask partner's advice
    • Have money easily available without having to ask the partner
    • Make household decisions without asking the partner
    • Able to go to social events without the partner
  • Partner independence:
    • Partner relies on you for making household decisions
    • Partner goes out without you, e.g., to movies, sporting events, billiards
    • Partner will not go out without you
    • Partner makes most of the decisions without consulting you
    • Partner is possessive
    • Partner is not possessive enough
    • Partner lacks friends
    • Partner has no personal interests, e.g., hobbies, friends
    • Partner does not know how to drive a car

Source: Adapted from Azrin et al. 1973, p. 371.


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