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Research Career Development Awards

-Salary Caps and Allowable Expenses on NIA Career Awards
-Revised NIH Policy Concerning Concurrent Support from Mentored Career Development (K) Award and a Research Grant

Note: NIA has specific guidance on the K01, K02, K07, K12, K23 and K24 awards. Click on the 'Title' of each mechanism for details.
Number Title Description


NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Awards

An early career mechanism for postdoctoral fellows and others with similar standing to facilitate career advancement.

  • PA Number: PA-09-036
  • Expires: January 8, 2012
K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards An early or midcareer award for individuals with some prior postdoctoral research experience.
K02 Independent Scientist Awards An early-to-midcareer award for individuals with prior research grant funding who seek to become leaders in their research fields.
K07 Academic Career Awards An infrastructure-building award for established senior research leaders who wish to build aging research or an aspect of aging research at their institutions. NIA does not support Developmental K07 Award.
K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Awards An award for junior clinicians with little-to-moderate research training who wish to become independent clinician-scientists.
  • PA Number: PA-09-042
  • Expires: January 8, 2012
K12 Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Program Awards An award for research leaders to provide research training and mentoring to several junior clinicians who wish to become independent researchers.
K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Awards An award for junior clinicians with little-to-moderate research training who wish to become independent clinician-scientists trained in patient-oriented research.
K24 Midcareer Investigator Awards in Patient-Oriented Research An award for midcareer clinician-scientists who wish to devote more time to patient-oriented research and mentor junior clinicians in patient-oriented research.
K25 Mentored Quantitative Research Career Development Awards An award for relatively junior scientists who have been trained in quantitative disciplines who wish to develop their careers in biomedical research.
  • PA Number: PA-09-039
  • Expires: January 8, 2012
K26 Midcareer Investigator Awards in Mouse Pathobiology Research An award for midcareer scientists who have experience in mouse pathobiology research who wish to devote more time to this research and mentor junior scientists in mouse pathobiology research.

Page last updated Jan 05, 2009