Header image: Richard E. Neal, Member of Congress, Second District Massachusetts


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - February 5, 2007
CONTACT: William Tranghese (202) 225-5601


(WASHINGTON) Congressman Richard E. Neal held his first meeting last week as the new Chairman of the House Ways and Means Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee. At the organizational meeting, Chairman Neal identified the issues the Subcommittee will address in the 110th Congress including reform of the Alternative Minimum Tax(AMT), pension and retirement security, energy incentives, housing programs and tax simplification.

In his opening remarks, Neal indicated that he would like the Subcommittee to hold its first hearing on AMT relief at the end of February. "I want to put the AMT hearings on a fast track. Millions of middle class American families are being forced to pay this tax each year. Without AMT reform, that number will continue to grow. As Chairman of the Subcommittee, I intend to put a magnifying glass on this important issue," said Neal.

The 13 Members of the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures are: Richard
E. Neal, Chairman (D-MA), Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Mike Thompson (D-CA), John
Larson (D-CT), Allyson Schwartz (D-PA), Jim McDermott (D-WA), Rahm Emanuel
(D-IL), Earl Blumenauer, Phil English, Ranking Member (R-PA), Tom Reynolds
(R-NY), Eric Cantor (R-VA), John Linder (R-GA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI).
