Foreclosure Assistance

Losing your home is one of the most stressful and traumatic events that an individual or family can go through. For those who find themselves facing foreclosure, there are several programs established to provide assistance.

Whether you are in need of counseling regarding a loan, foreclosure or assistance in getting out of a predatory loan, the resources listed below provide valuable information to get you started.

Local Non-profits

Housing Assistance Corporation Cape Cod: Housing Assistance Corporation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the housing needs of all constituents living on the Cape and Islands. HAC, an approved federal Counseling Agency, through HUD, and offers support to people at risk of losing their homes

Plymouth Redevelopment Authority: A HUD approved Comprehensive Housing Counseling agency offering individual counseling for a number of housing needs and problems. Within the site you will find information about programs for homeowners, programs for homebuyers, counseling programs, and first time homebuyer seminars.

South Shore Housing Development Inc: SSHDI offers related housing and homeownership educational programs as well as counseling to homeowners and tenants dealing with foreclosure.

Quincy Community Action Council: QCAP provides a wide variety of services including Home Equity Mortgage Conversion Program, Mortgage Default Counseling and Budget and Credit Counseling."

National Non-profits

Homeownership Preservation Foundation HOPE: HOPE creates partnerships with local governments, nonprofit organizations, borrowers and lenders to help families overcome obstacles that could result in the loss of their homes.

Hope Now: An alliance between HUD approved counseling agents, servicers, investors and other mortgage market participants that provides free foreclosure prevention assistance.

NeighborWorks: A national nonprofit organization created by Congress to provide financial support, technical assistance, and training for community-based revitalization efforts.

Neighbor Works Center for Foreclosure Solutions – Counseling:This page offers multiple resources on handling foreclosures.

Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America: NACA’s website states that it is the most effective organization in assisting at-risk homeowners restructure their mortgages to make it affordable over the long-term. NACA can provide real solutions to help you in obtaining an affordable mortgage.

Government Resources

Massachusetts Division of Banks (DOB): DOB’s website provides lists of resources for homeowners and tenants including a guide of tenants’ rights. The Tenants' Rights guide provides renters with information to ensure that they understand the foreclosure process and are not unfairly evicted if the building they live in is foreclosed upon. In addition, the site offers a variety of information including the Act to Protect and Preserve Home Ownership, Reversed Mortgage Loans, the Mortgage Review Board and Preventing Mortgage Abuse to list a few.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Approved Housing Counseling Agencies in MA
These agencies are approved by HUD and offer a variety of services to people in need of counseling in regards to housing issues For more information, please click here.

HUD’s guidance on default and foreclosure prevention

HUD “Guide to Avoiding Foreclosure”

HUD’s Fact Sheet: FHA to Provide Additional Mortgage Assistance to Struggling Homeowners

Massachusetts Attorney General: The State Attorney General’s Office has information regarding: foreclosure prevention, residents facing foreclosure, tenants in foreclosed buildings, foreclosure rescue schemes, new laws and regulations in the Commonwealth, and mortgage and foreclosure publications. MA AG Office

Mass Housing: Mass Housing is the state’s affordable housing program and provides information on housing related topics such as ownership, development, and renting.
Mass Housing

Consumer Education Center: The State of Massachusetts has nine consumer education centers throughout the state, including two education centers in the 10th district, located in Kingston and Hyannis. According to their website, the Housing Consumer Education Centers offer answers to a wide range of questions about all types of housing problems. Information can be accessed about maximizing housing stability, strengthening benefits, and minimizing housing disputes, as well as other housing issues.
Consumer Education Center

Government Sponsored Enterprise Resources

Fannie Mae: Homestay Initiative: Fannie Mae works with lenders, loan servicing companies, and counselors to respond to the mortgage crisis. They have a plethora of information for people looking for assistance in during this housing crisis. Fannie Mae

Freddie Mac: Don’t Borrow Trouble: Freddie Mac’s Don’t Borrow Trouble is a national campaign aimed at anti-predatory lending and foreclosure avoidance. The campaign uses education and empowerment to teach consumers how to protect their homes and their finances, especially during these tough economic times. Freddie Mac

Legal Resources

Greater Boston Legal Services: The Housing Unit offers legal assistance to individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and groups that represent tenants in substandard housing and the homeless. The Unit helps people gain access to emergency shelter and long-term affordable housing. Because of the limited availability of safe and decent affordable housing in Boston, the Unit's highest priority is to preserve existing low-income housing and to help people access and remain in such housing GBLS
National Consumer Law Center: Located in Massachusetts, the National Consumer Law Center offers information on homeownership and consumer credit. Topics include, but are not limited to: bankruptcy, bounce loans, credit cards, credit counseling, credit discrimination, credit reporting, debt collection, and foreclosure prevention. National Consumer Law Center

Tips for consumers on avoiding foreclosure “rescue” scams

National Association of Consumer Advocate: The National Association of Consumer Advocates (NACA) is a nationwide organization of more than 1000 attorneys who represent and have represented hundreds of thousands of consumers victimized by fraudulent, abusive and predatory business practices. As an organization fully committed to promoting justice for consumers, NACA's members and their clients are actively engaged in promoting a fair and open marketplace that forcefully protects the rights of consumers, particularly those of modest means.

Find an attorney, click here.

Predatory lending, click here.

Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries

Click here for information on Massachusetts Law About Foreclosure

In October, we conducted a briefing on the mortgage foreclosure crisis and its broader impact on the economy and financial markets. For information on the briefing, please click here.