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FDA’s Medical Product Safety Network (MedSun)

provides a representative profile of reports from healthcare facilities, such as hospitals. MedSun improves understanding of medical device problems so FDA, healthcare facilities, clinicians, and manufacturers can better address safety concerns. Over 350 health care facilities, primarily hospitals, participate in the network. MedSun is unique because it educates health care professionals about the importance of monitoring, being aware of, and reporting device related problems to FDA and the manufacturer.

MedSun also ensures that new safety information is rapidly communicated to the medical community thereby promoting patient safety.

The content that FDA produces is not copyrighted. Stories can be reprinted without permission and copies can be downloaded and displayed free of charge. If you are an editor who wishes to use our material in your publication, we ask only that you acknowledge MedSun as the source and send us copies of your stories for our records.

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Questions may be directed to Tina Powell at 1-800-859-1292 or email at:

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