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Robert Yarchoan, M.D.

Selected Publications

1)  O'Mahony D, Gandjbakhche AH, Hassan M, Vogel A, Yarchoan R. Pantanowitz L, Stebbing J, Dezube B, eds.
Imaging Techniques for Kaposi Sarcoma (KS). In: Kaposi sarcoma. A Model of Oncogenesis. Volume .
Kerela, India: Research Signpost; 2008. In Press. [Book Chapter]
2)  O'Mahony D, Little RF, Yarchoan R. LaFond RE, eds.
AIDS and cancer. In: Cancer - The Outlaw Cell. Volume .
New York: American Chemical Society and Oxford University Press USA; 2008. In Press. [Book Chapter]
3)  Morrow M, Valentin A, Little R, Yarchoan R, Pavlakis GN.
A Splenic Marginal Zone-Like Peripheral Blood CD27(+)B220() B Cell Population Is Preferentially Depleted in HIV Type 1-Infected Individuals.
AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses. 24: 621-33, 2008.
4)  Yarchoan R, Little RF. DeVita, Jr. VT, Lawrence TS, Rosenberg SA, eds.
AIDS-Related Malignancies. In: Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 8th Edition. Volume .
Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams, & WIlkins; 2008. p. 2401-17 [Book Chapter]
5)  Davis DA, Singer KE, Reynolds IP, Haque M, Yarchoan R.
Hypoxia enhances the phosphorylation and cytotoxicity of ganciclovir and zidovudine in Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infected cells.
Cancer Res. 67: 7003-10, 2007.
6)  Hazra R, Jankelevich S, Mackall CL, Avila NA, Wolters P, Civitello L, Christensen B, Jacobsen F, Steinberg SM, Yarchoan R.
Immunologic, virologic, and neuropsychologic responses in human immunodeficiency virus-infected children receiving their first highly active antiretroviral therapy regimen.
Viral Immunol. 20: 131-41, 2007.
7)  Little RF, Pittaluga S, Yarchoan R. Dolin R, Masur H, Saag M, eds.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In: AIDS Therapy, 3rd Edition. Volume .
Philadelphia: Chrchill Livingstone/Elsevier; 2007. p. 1031-1050. [Book Chapter]
8)  Yarchoan R, Pluda JM, Wyvill KM, Aleman K, Rodriguez-Chavez IR, Tosato G, Catanzaro AT, Steinberg SM, Little RF.
Treatment of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma with interleukin-12: rationale and preliminary evidence of clinical activity.
Crit. Rev. Immunol. 27: 401-14, 2007.
9)  Koh Y, Matsumi S, Das D, Amano M, Davis DA, Li J, Leschenko S, Baldridge A, Shioda T, Yarchoan R, Ghosh AK, Mitsuya H.
Potent Inhibition of HIV-1 Replication by Novel Non-peptidyl Small Molecule Inhibitors of Protease Dimerization.
J. Biol. Chem. 282: 28709-20, 2007.
10)  Vogel A, Chernomordik VV, Riley JD, Hassan M, Amyot F, Dasgeb B, Demos SG, Pursley R, Little RF, Yarchoan R, Tao Y, Gandjbakhche AH.
Using noninvasive multispectral imaging to quantitatively assess tissue vasculature.
J Biomed Opt. 12: 051604, 2007.
11)  Little RF, Aleman K, Kumar P, Wyvill KM, Pluda JM, Read-Connole E, Wang V, Pittaluga S, Catanzaro AT, Steinberg SM, Yarchoan R.
Phase 2 study of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin in combination with interleukin-12 for AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma.
Blood. 110: 4165-71, 2007.
12)  Tang S, Zhao J, Storhoff JJ, Norris PJ, Little RF, Yarchoan R, Stramer SL, Patno T, Domanus M, Dhar A, Mirkin CA, Hewlett IK.
Nanoparticle-Based biobarcode amplification assay (BCA) for sensitive and early detection of human immunodeficiency type 1 capsid (p24) antigen.
J. Acquir. Immune Defic. Syndr. 46: 231-7, 2007.
13)  Marshall V, Parks T, Bagni R, Wang CD, Samols MA, Hu J, Wyvil KM, Aleman K, Little RF, Yarchoan R, Renne R, Whitby D.
Conservation of Virally Encoded MicroRNAs in Kaposi Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cell Lines and in Patients with Kaposi Sarcoma or Multicentric Castleman Disease.
J. Infect. Dis. 195: 645-59, 2007.
14)  Hassan M, Chernomordik V, Vogel A, Hattery D, Gannot I, Yarchoan R, Gandjibakhche A.
Infrared imaging for tissue characterization and function. In: The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Third Edition, Bronzino JD, Ed. Volume .
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2006. p. 30-1 - 30-25 [Book Chapter]
15)  Tosato G, Little RF, Yarchoan R. Young NS, Gerson SL, High KA, eds.
Epstein-Barr virus-related and Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpesvirus-related neoplasms. In: Clinical Hematology. Volume .
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2006. p. 610-624 [Book Chapter]
16)  Semenova EA, Johnson AA, Marchand C, Davis DA, Yarchoan R, Pommier Y.
Preferential Inhibition of the Magnesium-Dependent Strand Transfer Reaction of HIV-1 Integrase by {alpha}-Hydroxytropolones.
Mol Pharmacol. 69: 1454-60, 2006.
17)  Little RF, Pluda JM, Wyvill KM, Rodriguez-Chavez IR, Tosato G, Catanzaro AT, Steinberg SM, Yarchoan R.
Activity of subcutaneous interleukin-12 in AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma.
Blood. 107: 4650-7, 2006.
18)  Haque M, Wang V, Davis DA, Zheng ZM, Yarchoan R.
Genetic Organization and Hypoxic Activation of the Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus ORF34-37 Gene Cluster.
J. Virol. 80: 7037-51, 2006.
19)  Yarchoan R, Haque M.
KSHV wages a two-front war on PECAM/CD31 [Editorial].
Blood. 108: 1790-1791, 2006.
Full Text Article. [Journal]
20)  Bernstein WB, Little RF, Wilson WH, Yarchoan R.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related malignancies in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy.
Int. J. Hematol. 84: 3-11, 2006.
21)  Yarchoan R.
Key role for a viral lytic gene in Kaposi's sarcoma.
N. Engl. J. Med. 355: 1383-5, 2006.
22)  Little RF, Yarchoan R.
Poor specific T cell responses to human herpesvirus 8: a key to unleashing kaposi sarcoma?.
J. Infect. Dis. 194: 1030-1, 2006.
23)  Davis DA, Brown CA, Singer KE, Wang V, Kaufman J, Stahl SJ, Wingfield P, Maeda K, Harada S, Yoshimura K, Kosalaraksa P, Mitsuya H, Yarchoan R.
Inhibition of HIV-1 replication by a peptide dimerization inhibitor of HIV-1 protease.
Antiviral Res. 72: 89-99, 2006.
24)  Vogel A, Dasgeb B, Hassan M, Amyot F, Chernomordik V, Tao Y, Demos SG, Wyvill K, Aleman K, Little R, Yarchoan R, Gandjbakhche AH.
Using Quantitative Imaging Techniques to Assess Vascularity in AIDS-Related Kaposi's Sarcoma.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 1: 232-5, 2006.
25)  Okazaki T, Terabe M, Catanzaro AT, Pendleton CD, Yarchoan R, Berzofsky JA.
Possible therapeutic vaccine strategy against human immunodeficiency virus escape from reverse transcriptase inhibitors studied in HLA-A2 transgenic mice.
J. Virol. 80: 10645-51, 2006.
26)  Gandjbakhche A, Vogel A, Amyot F, Chernomordik V, Hassan M, Demos S, Aleman K, Little R, Yarchoan R.
Noninvasive Multimodality Imaging Techniques to Assess Kaposi's Sarcoma.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 1: 694-6, 2005.
27)  Wang V, Davis DA, Haque M, Huang LE, Yarchoan R.
Differential gene up-regulation by hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha and hypoxia-inducible factor-2alpha in HEK293T cells.
Cancer Res. 65: 3299-306, 2005.
28)  Davis DA, Singer KE, De La Luz Sierra M, Narazaki M, Yang F, Fales HM, Yarchoan R, Tosato G.
Identification of carboxypeptidase N as an enzyme responsible for C-terminal cleavage of stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha in the circulation.
Blood. 105: 4561-8, 2005.
29)  Yarchoan R, Tosato G, Little RF.
Therapy Insight: AIDS-related malignancies: the influence of antiviral therapy on pathogenesis and management.
Nat Clin Pract Oncol. 2: 406-15, 2005.
30)  Yarchoan R, Little RF. DeVita Jr VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA, eds.
AIDS-related malignancies. In: Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 7th Edition. Volume .
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2005. p. 2247-2262 [Book Chapter]
31)  Hassan M, Hattery D, Vogel A, Chernomordik V, Aleman K, Little R, Demos S, Yarchoan R, H Gandjbakhche A.
Noninvasive infrared imaging for quantitative assessment of tumor vasculature and response to therapy.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2: 1200-2, 2004.
32)  Taylor P, Worrell C, Steinberg SM, Hazra R, Jankelevich S, Wood LV, Zwerski S, Yarchoan R, Zeichner S.
Natural history of lipid abnormalities and fat redistribution among human immunodeficiency virus-infected children receiving long-term, protease inhibitor-containing, highly active antiretroviral therapy regimens.
Pediatrics. 114: e235-42, 2004.
33)  De La Luz Sierra M, Yang F, Narazaki M, Salvucci O, Davis D, Yarchoan R, Zhang HH, Fales H, Tosato G.
Differential processing of stromal-derived factor-1alpha and stromal-derived factor-1beta explains functional diversity.
Blood. 103: 2452-9, 2004.
34)  Hassan M, Little RF, Vogel A, Aleman K, Wyvill K, Yarchoan R, Gandjbakhche AH.
Quantitative Assessment of Tumor Vasculature and Response to Therapy in Kaposi's Sarcoma Using Functional Noninvasive Imaging.
Technol Cancer Res Treat. 3: 451-8, 2004.
35)  Yarchoan R.
KSHV induced heme oxygenase: Another trick by a wiley virus [Editorial].
Blood. 103: 3252-3253, 2004.
Full Text Article. [Journal]
36)  Yarchoan R, Feigal E, Lietzau J, Little R, Pluda J, Shearer G, Sherman M, Tosato G, Wyvill K, inventor; DHHS, assignee.
Treatment Of Kaposi's Sarcoma With Il-12.
US Patent: 6,509,321. 2003. [Patent]
37)  Purdy JB, Gafni RI, Reynolds JC, Zeichner S, Hazra R.
Decreased bone mineral density with off-label use of tenofovir in children and adolescents infected with human immunodeficiency virus.
J. Pediatr. 152: 582-4, 2008.
38)  Schwartz L, Civitello L, Dunn-Pirio A, Ryschkewitsch S, Berry E, Cavert W, Kinzel N, Lawrence DM, Hazra R, Major EO.
Evidence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection of nestin-positive neural progenitors in archival pediatric brain tissue.
J. Neurovirol. 13: 274-83, 2007.
39)  Purdy JB, Freeman AF, Martin SC, Ryder C, Elliott-DeSorbo DK, Zeichner S, Hazra R.
Virologic response using directly observed therapy in adolescents with HIV: an adherence tool.
The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC. 19: 158-65, 2008.

This page was last updated on 11/24/2008.