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About caArray

caArray is an open-source, web and programmatically accessible array data management system. caArray guides the annotation and exchange of array data using a federated model of local installations whose results are shareable across the cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG™).

Introduction to caArray

caArray Tool Summary Page (On caBIG™ Community Website)
caArray project site

Example Use Cases for caArray

Example use cases for caArray application.

caArray Monthly User Meetings

caArray Monthly User Meetings is opened to everyone. Bring your question or suggest a new feature!

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2.2.0 is now available details
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Download caArray & Sample Data

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caArray Documentation

End User Technical Supplement

caArray Knowledge Base

caArray FAQ

caArray FAQ - Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

caArray Articles

caArray Articles - caArray in depth: demo, articles and more.

caArray Case Studies

caArray Case Studies - Still don't know if caArray is for you? Case studies will show you some examples of how caArray could be used in different scenarios.

caArray Success Stories

caArray Success Stories - Each institution could have its own unique setting and requirement. Share your success or even not so successful story here. Your inputs will help others.

Questions and comments on caArray

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Open-source development

Integration with other tools


geWorkbench can query for data in an instance of caArray via a Java API. Several operations are supported. You can:

  1. query for experiments, for example by platform or by species.
  2. select from which hybridizations in an experiment you wish to download data.
  3. download derived (summarized, probeset-level) data that has been parsed into the database. An example is the values loaded from Affymetrix CHP files (created through GCOS/MAS5). geWorkbench does not currently support retrieving or analyzing Affy CEL files directly.

The current release of geWorkbench, version 1.6.3, connects with caArray 2.2.0

The geWorkbench project page is at

The software can be downloaded from


GenePattern has a module that can retrieve data from caArray using its Java API. The CaArray2.0.1Importer lets you retrieve raw data files from caArray by experiment name or id. You can specify the extension of the data file that you want to download. The default is .CEL.

You can process CEL files using the GenePattern module ExpressionFileCreator. Once you have used ExpressionFileCreator, the data can be further analyzed using many different GenePattern analysis modules.

The CaArray2.0.1Importer module is compatible with caArray v2.0.1 and v2.0.2. You can download the CaArrayImporter here:

The CaArray2.1.0Importer module is compatible with caArray v2.1.x and v2.2.0. You can download the CaArrayImporter here:

You can download GenePattern here:

Once you've fetched your microarray data from caArray with the CaArray2.0.1Importer, you can do analysis on your data with the Replicated Affymetrix Maanova Analysis pipeline written at the Jackson Laboratory for GenePattern. This pipeline is available for download from the Jackson Laboratory's NCI Cancer Center caBIG page at:

Or directly from the download page:

Once you fill-out the registration, you will download You simply load this zip file to your GenePattern server via the option in the GenePattern menu for loading a zip file.

The pipeline consists of two modules JAX_AffyProcessing and JAX_AffyMaanova, and the pipeline itself JAX_RepAffyMaanovaAnalysis. The pipeline will run both of the modules for you you. This pipeline operates on the zip of CEL files generated by CaArray2.0.1Importer, and an experimental design file.