The Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics offers programs of study leading to the degrees of Master of Public Health, Master of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Master of Science in Public Health, Doctor of Public Health, Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Health Science, and Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Zoology. The faculty is committed to providing the highest level of education in public health and health services.
Graduate Programs Information Handbook 2009-2010 (PDF format) - Here you will find answers to most of your questions about the graduate programs, course requirements, specialty areas, and how to apply. The Handbook is updated periodically to reflect program revisions.
The PMB Graduate Programs Calendar for AY2008-09 can be found at the following link:

The course calendar for each of the academic terms of the 2009-10 academic year can be found at the following links:

The required book purchases for AY2008-09 are located at:

Incoming new student orientation is held annually on the first working day after the Fourth of July Holiday. The AY2008-09 Orientation will be held on July 7, 2008, and a copy of the Orientation agenda is available at:

Practicum and Independent Project Handbook (PDF format) - This handbook contains information for students, faculty advisors, and off-site preceptors to understand the practicum requirement for MPH students and the independent project requirement for MPH and MTM&H students at USUHS.
PMB Self Study 2005 The Department of Preventive Medicine/Biometrics recently received its re-accreditation of its Graduate Programs by Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). A Self Study was prepared, a Site Visit was conducted on November 17-18, 2005, and a resulting Site Visit Report was prepared by the CEPH. The Department prepared a Response to the Site Visit Report On June 26, 2006, the Department was awarded the maximum seven-year re-accreditation, extending its accreditation until July 1, 2013. As part of the accreditation requirements, the Department prepared its 2007 Annual Report to CEPH.

A separate Graduate Programs web site maintained by the USUHS Graduate Education Office contains links to all USUHS departments having graduate programs. You may access the USUHS Graduate Bulletin and the two-page application from that site or by clicking here on Bulletin or Application.
Questions about any of the PMB graduate programs can be addressed to Tina Thompson at 295-1977.
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The Graduate Program Mission

The mission of the PMB Graduate Programs in Public Health is to enhance and protect the health of members of the Uniformed Services by producing knowledgeable and highly skilled public health professionals and by promoting evidence-based policy making, research, and service initiatives that support the global mission of the Uniformed Services.


The Graduate Program within the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics is committed to the guiding principles of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences and reflects the values and missions of each of the uniformed services. Our evidence-based and results-oriented approach focuses on:


We value a close interaction between students and faculty which supports individualized learning.

Health and Fitness

We value the fundamental role of disease and injury prevention and health promotion in optimizing military readiness.

Military Relationship

We value innovative responsiveness to the changing needs of the uniformed services.


We value research that is integral to the learning environment, mission-focused, scientifically sound, and public health oriented.

Academic Excellence

We value high quality faculty and staff who promote a scholarly learning environment embodied by quantitative, analytical, critical and innovative thinking and who reflect an appropriate balance in research, service, and teaching activities.

Public Service

We value service, including humanitarian and military, in support of public health.


We value the principles of ethics from three traditions: medicine, the military and academia. These principles include service to others, honor, loyalty, truthfulness and integrity.


Instruction: To provide excellence in graduate education to enhance the knowledge, skills, and practice of uniformed and civilian public health professionals.


Through individual and collaborative efforts, to create and support programs such as residencies and fellowships to meet the needs of the Uniformed Services.


To improve the knowledge and practice of preventive medicine and public health through research, especially in fields relevant to the Uniformed Services.


To provide support to our university and our local, national and international communities through consultative services, continuing education, training, and volunteerism.


Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics
4301 Jones Bridge Road
Bethesda, MD 20814


Divisions of PMB

Residency Programs

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