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In the Spotlight

Fighting Cancer: A Team Effort
Whether you're a coach or a dedicated fan, you can turn your love for basketball into a lifesaving cause through Coaches vs. Cancer. This weekend, Jan. 30 - Feb. 1, look for college basketball coaches and their staff to show their support by wearing sneakers during televised games.   read more >>
Don't Lose Your Resolve to Live Healthier
Story of Hope: Neuroblastoma Survivor a Champion with a Heart of Gold

In the News

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Prostate Cancer Prevention: The Scoop on Supplements
Some studies have suggested that taking supplements like selenium can help ward off prostate cancer. However, results from 2 large trials haven't found a link.   read more >>

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FDA Approves New Drug for Advanced Prostate Cancer
Bright Spots of 2008
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Managing Your Cancer Experience

Get help making treatment decisions, understanding the effects of treatment, finding treatment centers and doctors, coping with side effects, and talking with others.


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Meet other survivors, find or offer support on the Cancer Survivors Network. Find lodging, workshops, transportation, and other services and products for cancer patients, survivors, and loved ones.


Resources for Healthy Living

Lower your cancer risk with timely screening tests, help to quit smoking, good food choices, and an active lifestyle.


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