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Cancer Treatment and Oral Health

What Are Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy?

Most people are aware of common side effects of cancer treatment like nausea and hair loss. But many don't realize that more than one-third of people treated for cancer develop complications that affect the mouth. These problems may interfere with cancer treatment and diminish the patient's quality of life.

Head and neck radiation, chemotherapy, and blood and marrow transplantation can cause oral complications ranging from dry mouth to life-threatening infections.

What Can Be Done to Reduce Their Risk and Impact?

The publication series "Oral Health, Cancer Care, and You" informs health care providers and patients about steps they can take before, during and after cancer treatment to reduce the risk and impact of these often painful side effects. The 12-piece series includes fact sheets and laminated pocket guides for dental and cancer professionals, patient education publications in both English and Spanish, and a wallet card for patients with space for the names and contact information of their health care team.

To learn more about managing and preventing oral complications of cancer treatment, please see the publications below:

Oral Health, Cancer Care, and You Series

For health professionals

For patients

For patients in Spanish

Clinical Trials

Other Government Information

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This page last updated: January 17, 2009