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Study Publications

Study of Estrogen Activity and Development (SEAD) Soy Study

Study of Estrogen Activity and Development (SEAD) Soy Study

The SEAD Soy Study generated data that the Epidemiology Branch and its collaborators published in a peer-reviewed journal article. To find out more about the study, please click the following links to journal article and abstract.


  1. Bernbaum JC, Umbach DM, Ragan NB, Ballard JL, Archer JI, Schmidt-Davis H, Rogan WJ. Pilot studies of estrogen-related physical findings in infants. Environ Health Perspect. 2008;116:416-20.
  2. Cao YA, Calafat AM, Doerge DR, Umbach DM, Bernbaum JC, Twaddle NC, Ye XI, Rogan WJ. Isoflavones in urine, saliva, and blood of infants: data from a pilot study on the estrogenic activity of soy formula. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2008 Jul 30. [Epub ahead of print]


  1. Chen A, Rogan WJ. Isoflavones in soy infant formula: a review of evidence for endocrine and other activity in infants. Annu Rev Nutr 24:33-54, 2004. [Abstract] Exit NIEHS ( [Full Text] Exit NIEHS ( [download the PDF] Exit NIEHS (

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Last Reviewed: October 09, 2008