wholesale - 8 dictionary results


noun, adjective, adverb, verb, -saled, -sal⋅ing.
1. the sale of goods in quantity, as to retailers or jobbers, for resale (opposed to retail ).
2. of, pertaining to, or engaged in sale by wholesale.
3. extensive; broadly indiscriminate: wholesale discharge of workers.
4. in a wholesale way; on wholesale terms: I can get it for you wholesale.
5. in large quantities; on a large scale, esp. without discrimination: Wild horses were slaughtered wholesale.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
6. to sell by wholesale.

1375–1425; late ME, from the phrase by hole sale in gross; see whole, sale
Language Translation for : wholesale
Spanish: al por mayor, German: der Großhandel,
Japanese: 卸売の
whole·sale     (hōl'sāl')  Pronunciation Key 
n.   The sale of goods in large quantities, as for resale by a retailer.
  1. Of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of goods in large quantities for resale: a wholesale produce market; wholesale goods; wholesale prices.
  2. Made or accomplished extensively and indiscriminately; blanket: wholesale destruction.
  1. In large bulk or quantity.
  2. Extensively; indiscriminately.
v.   whole·saled, whole·sal·ing, whole·sales

v.   tr.
To sell in large quantities for resale.
v.   intr.
  1. To engage in wholesale selling.
  2. To be sold wholesale.
whole'sal'er n.


Whole"sale`\, n. Sale of goods by the piece or large quantity, as distinguished from retail.

By wholesale, in the mass; in large quantities; without distinction or discrimination.

Some, from vanity or envy, despise a valuable book, and throw contempt upon it by wholesale. --I. Watts.


Whole"sale`\, a. 1. Pertaining to, or engaged in, trade by the piece or large quantity; selling to retailers or jobbers rather than to consumers; as, a wholesale merchant; the wholesale price.

2. Extensive and indiscriminate; as, wholesale slaughter. "A time for wholesale trust." --Mrs. Humphry Ward.

1. ignoring distinctions; "sweeping generalizations"; "wholesale destruction" [syn: sweeping

1. at a wholesale price; "I can sell it to you wholesale" [ant: congeal
2. on a large scale without careful discrimination; "I buy food wholesale" 

1. the selling of goods to merchants; usually in large quantities for resale to consumers [ant: retail

1. sell in large quantities [ant: retail


The sale of merchandise to retailers rather than directly to the public.

c.1417, "in large quantities," from whole + sale; the general sense of "extensive" is attested from 1642.


The sale of securities among broker-dealers and to large institutional investors. Securities sold at wholesale go for slightly lower prices than those paid by individual investors. Compare retail.

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