. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health MEMORANDUM Washington DC 20201 TO: The Secretary DATE: June 25, 1981 FROM; Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health SUBJECT: Preliminary Report on Grassroots Approach to the Discharge Petition Following our conversation in your car on June 24, I contacted Carl Anderson and Bill Gribben. It was their suggestion that I not talk personally to pro- life leaders but rather let them do it. ,L.will have a report on their activities subsequently. There follows what has happened just in reference to my constituency involved with the films and the books that I have done on "Whatever Happened to the Human Race." 1. Gospel Films, Inc., which receives hundreds of calls a day from churches, will tell each caller of the problem and suggest having church members write to their congressman in reference to Petition 5 on H.R. 3154. 2. Cal Thomas, Public Relations Director of the Moral Majority, working from 'London, is getting word to their 50 regional headquarters to start their telephone tree the first of next week. This should mobilize 2500 phone calls, without identifying the Moral Majority, by midweek. 3, The Christian Broadcasting Network will have a news item on television concerning the Discharge Petition and they will editorialize by suggesting that . their listeners write their representatives. 4. NEW WINE magazine, with 90,000 subscribers, is telephoning their key representatives to start telephone trees in operation. 5. Moody Radio in Chicago, with 200 affiliate stations, taped a 4 l/2 minute interview with my film director, Frankie Schaeffer, through which the Discharge Petition was mentioned five times and instructions given on what to say to a congressman. That station has a constant listenership of 1 million. 6. The Christian News Service, with 500 stations, will carry a news item by Henry Hyde with instructions on how to get in touch with a congressman. 7. The 250 most wealthy and influential supporters of my film project have received telegrams from my producer with instructions about the Discharge Petition. 8. Area coordinators who ran the publicity for my films in 20 cities will do the same. Page 2 -- The Secretary 9. Mary Crowley, a strong Texas supporter of the President, was meeting with 40 State representatives of her business, Home Interiors, Inc., when my director reached her with the message about the Discharge Petition. Those 40 ladies returned to their homes on the evening of June 25 and will be trans- mitting this message to their 25,000 employees. 10. John Quade, a Hollywood actor and a member of the New Right, is personally going to spend the day making telephone calls around the country. 11. Gary North, Economic Advisor to Bunker Hunt, stopped the press on his 7,000 newsletters which go to influential wea1t.y people around the country and inserted instructions about the Discharge Petition. He says that his readers usually take his advice on matters having to do with Congressional letters. 12. Crossway Books will call their distributors with a similar message. It would have been impossible to plan the following, but nevertheless it is all happening at the same time. CHRISTIANITY TODAY hits the newstands now (250,000 subscribers) with an article in it about the unfairness of the press in their treatment of me and instructions on how to write congressmen. blEW WINE magazine, with a circulation of 90,000, has just reached subscribers with a similar article. The newsletter (37,000) from the production company which made my films has been delivered on the West Coast and will reach eastern homes no later than next Wednesday. The newsletter is a long dissertation on the way the press has handled my situation. These are my core supporters in a personal way in the pro-life movement and can be expected to respond. It is estimated by my director and producer that the aforementioned four-hour effort should result in ten million people getting the message about the Discharge Petition. all national and State pro-life groups have been contacted and will give the matter top priority. People are working the doors in the House to get signatures on Petition #5 H.R. 3154. C. Everett Koop, M.D.