SMOA vKLl.4 rKlUAY, JUNE 2% lv#Z Take Good Care of BodJ?&ult Could Be Lower Health Costs ' By JAN HOWARD World Medical Write+ Taking good care of your body is the%& way to lower health costs, advIsed Dr. C. Everett Koop. sur- gs@ genera1 and deput s&rotary for health nf t x assistant e Depart- ment of Health and Human Ser- vitjes,`during a press conference at the Excelsior Hotel Tbursda Koop said Americans rece ve the I best health care in the world but thatcosts will never drop unless the system turns to preventive health care instead of the current trend of "cdntinual repair" to the body. "A psrson is a trinity of body. mind and spirit and as we should treat the P hysictans. who e person," said Woop. This attitude carries into the goals he has set for his tenure in offfee. He was sworn in Jan. 21 as ~~~;s~feneral and received his pm ion m the department in Feb F&r&&. he hopes to improve ublic awareness of the Public !!%&%~!%~f?as$nd~$ ment service for catastrophe. This group is now I.200 memben stron andhas been called out to assfst a `I Lovd Canal, the toxic waste stte, and `pbree Mile Island. Kob'p needed special rmission to assume command o r the carp smce he is at an age, 65. disqualffy- infgn for Bag rank under present C. Everett Koap , education to acbii thst 6001. An- for underprivlfedged countrtes. A "Magna Carta" Is needed to In his push for preventfva health improve the quality of life for the Care, KOOP has been vocal on the disabled. said Koop. who will work with the departmenfa of health and deadly effects of tobacco. He is purbtng for fegiSlatiOn to force Surgeon General Practices Preventive Medicine in Tulsa targer warnmgs on cinarette wck. ages. on mlantfclde" and denounced eu- thanasia technioues used recentlv "Smoking will kill 830.000 Americans next year," he said. But he supports the government's to- bacco price supports. "It's not ironic" for the gover- ment to warn people of smoking and legislate prme supports. Price supports don't make PWP~?. aheth- er-young or old, smoke. - If the rice supports were to allow a sever&y handicapped i& fant to starve to death. Because of this and other incidents, the govern- ment has now adopted a P licy to without federal fundinn ram the dropped, t R en the prfce of tobacco would go down. If tobacco prices go down, then the farmer mus, grow more tobacco to maintam her in- come. Many more cigarettes would be available at a much lower price. he explained. "If we are willing to let a chfld starve to death because his quality of life isn't up to ours - how soon will we let that work for the efder- ly?" he asked. razgytg $-g$? ;*; thing a physician can do to help the family and the patfent through such a trauma is beneficial to the entire medical profession. be safd. . The phystcian must lessen the P in and guilt of the chlfd's death elt by the family and to help them "close the circle" of that eaperf- ewe. "We know the cause but we don't know the mechanism of the produc- tion of a cell to a cancer cell." he said when questfoned if there was new evidence that smoking causes cancer. Another controllable Cause of death in the United States is alco- Services, that he would not use hfs new job as a pulpit to speak against abortion. He does call himself the "most outspoken physician In American He does believe in death with dig- nity, saying he has always praCtiCed medicine to give them the best available care but not to prolong the act of dying. I- He addressed tbtS.dUrtng a his entire surgical practice to pedi- atrics. Koop has developed most of the surgical procedures on infanta that now boast a ~5 percent rurviv- al rate. fcoopwasinTufsattspeagata joint session of the Ame.~ean Ass+ rlatmn Of Co1lenes Of osteoosthio Medicine, the National Asso6iaUon of advisors for the Health Profess- _. ._-._.__. .~. ions and the Central Association of Advisors for the Health Profess- ions. The theme of the oOnferent% la "Beyond Competence: Tbe Corn- plete Physician." --