ysm ?Ylumvg OakJaBd, c??l.ifomfa' 1" Riday, hfimh 41987 , Kbop'takes `AIDS fight to lawmakers .: : ? By Ellen Robimon4f8yner MsClrf&ynw-s 8wvica SACRAMENTO - U.S. Sur- geon General 6. Everett Koop, in an unprecedented campaign stump against AIDS, brought his grim message to the state capi- tal yesterday, lobbying politi- cians and state leaders of every stripe. In private sessions with state leaders, as well as a speech to a rare joint legislative session, Koop sought to convince liberal and conservative private and public citizens that it is their duty to stem the spread of the virulent and fatal disease. "It's essentially a grim mes- sage, and I guess I'm something of a grim courier," Koop said. "My only hope is that every American who hears or reads my message will believe it and do his or her part to stop the spread of AIDS, to protect and save the lives of people at risk, including and especially our un- suspecting young people." commitment by Americans to His message focused on the need for aggressive and massive AIDS education of the public, a national resolve to fight discrim- ination against AIDS patients, a concerted effort by government and private industry to develop AIDS vaccines and drugs, and a U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, Nobel laureate Dr. David Baltimore, left, and Assemblyman Art Agnos. observe the tcncls of safe sex to stop the spread of the disease. While he praised the state's expenditure of what he called "social and pnlilical capital" on the issue of All).5 to date, Koop challenged Californians to at- tack the disease, not the people afflicted wilh it. "We need to give some thought to the way we will care for the rising toll of AIDS vic- Ilrns." he said. said in a later news conference While praising Califorrrln's rc- ccut decision to initiate AIDS cd- ucation in the seventh grade, he that he would prefer to see it begin as rarly as kindcrgartrn - a stand that ha.5 been criti- cized by conscrvntivcs. I)cfrntling the commltmcnt of both Cougrcss and the Reagan ntlminislration to the AIDS bat- tle, Koop said hc has yet to dis- cuss AIDS with President Rea- gan. "My problem in regard to AIDS didn't begin until he re- qwslrd CI~P report. and that was jllst a ycnr ago." he said. "It's unfortunate that just at this time . . . that the prohlcn~s with Iran came to the forefront."