K urges early s I -.... - .__..-.. - ---. ---I_.--~ Uy ,favce Price ---.. .--- `THE WASHINGTON W&%3 ___- .,.._._- -.-._-.- ..----1. -..__1 __.__._ -.-_ Surgeon General C. Everett Koop yesterday said AIDS educcrtton must i start at the 3wqst school grade pos- sumem imaem saxa. sihle and he sriggestad that .Third- y and fourth-waders could be taught ., how to avoid the dtxu#y disease. - Paillting tit6 that XnRrE than TO ,, pm-cant of the nation's 26,500 re- parted AIRS casss &we r~ultsd Eram, hainosexcial relations, DI: Kcx$ said, `!!A@ need tqtchertl ta teach sex, including'homosexuality.' He said it would not be nec~ry ,$a teach L;bililren as young as 8 or 9 about hllabogsxilaiityt 4s WY wauid tWil@y be experhnepting e0x.ua& at tbrt t&m, But, Dti ICorm said, teen- qare a& aquafly actdva and,"tend totake rbksks brtcrrusc they think thw pre immor#l. I would hope that teen- agers w&Id have so much informa- - I panic. Dr. Koop said the AIDS education effort should be a far-reaching pm- gram - available in all languages. For those who can't read, the AIDS message should be presented in such forms as pictures in comic hooks, he said. According to the federal Centers for Disease Control, 73 percent of the AIDS cases are homosexual men, 17 percent are intravenous drug users, 2 percent are those who r&Wed transfusions sf infected blood, 1 percent are hemophiliacs, 1 perce&t are Wants born to infected mothers, and 4. percent we heterm asexuals, many'.from Haiti or east Aft+&, ykt.heve had intimate co& tact with aonieone with AIDS or in :m ~~~~, wn srrmcr reservations by the sec- retary of the D&wtment of Educe- tion and many national aqd Low1 educational groups. "Like most Americans, X believe children should be taught about the physical, psychological `and moral consequences of sexual activity;' said William Bennett, sscretary of education. `A frank description of the danger of AXDS s&&d cqq&~Jy be part af this teaching. But b&ore teaching a specific c~riculum, schools should get parental in- volvement and approval!' The Rev. Jerry F4~@8 e#xdors& Dr. Koop's rep&.' V# ,mgree wholeheart@y, in tk analysis, that duMtjao the home and in the who&C- wig be the solution to a pr&$~lesn lib;e this;" he said. qap lead IQ diseases such as MD&" Dr; Kaap said, iqtapsified educa- :ldanal effwts T invdlvin parents and phyatd~- sty pee d ed ta help control the qmwi 00' @zquired im- munu detickqcy syn#ome, which has f9ahsd Jleqr&-: ~g,wo lhcs. `That f&u&is sxpec@l to increase twlyfold by tlw ~mqwrs:fm d of I!?91 T only aI *` he said. Ik Koop'a co 8 men+, which came aa' part 0 a report to Americans on C&B MDS epidemic, a rqort requesf@ in FNruary Iry PrFsidenr Rw@n, wore graeted From page IA "Third and fourth grades may be tao early to be teaching this kind of thing. But if these other things f%- formation about hete!Vse~alityl are being taught that eariy, infortna- tion about the reIationshiP between AIDS and ham&exuaIity should also be taught," MC FaiweU said. Dr. Koop's remarks sparked con- CIXR - and, in son%= cases, outrage - from several organizationa. "I find his proposzds appaWng," said Robert Bar&so%, executive direc- t0r0fUniMF%mi!bof.Americaa overcome honW%ZxUal andnot-@veintothem." AmericanFeddtion&~f%&che= spokeswoman her organization "supparts sQOW$ general education aboutthe hazards of AIDS, but it is aa issue schools should be handltig individually. .Schoo& are governed by local gov- ernments zi;d morea. And where b clllS&OOlbO8iFdS~~adamantlyap posed tQ sex &?dUcati~ I wouldn't seeourgroupencQura~thiskind &program t&X." - "wesayedttc-ationisanimportant part of f.X3nT&&ng this ugiy Priob- lem. But we have no farmal program for react AIDS nor have we come upwithip(v . its @ to haw or YF when it sb&ki taughtp said Ho\p- ard Car&l, s~okesmaa Par the IU- 53nal &pasption Asso+ticm. "Any such e needs fo be tied in kth thy eatire community, so par- ants, h&th aurhotities and the tom- -w&y at hrge are involve&~ thirdorfointBgrades,"chiidren* that age can understand the mcept ofthed&eaae$hesaid."Butaafar as going into detaiIa about h&M it's txxmmitted, it's just too ear@" Dr. Koop said Dr. Robert Wiim, ag txsdtant secfetary for Public HealthServiceintheDepartmentof Health and Human services, 90031 will release infbrtnation about a "multifrceted AiDs educatiau pro- graml?cha8developed" DC Koop said his goal will be to `reach e%wyoIle in the ullitcd state8 withhisAIDSmessage+andthathe is running public service an- ilorflloement3 on teievisica, urging peq$etpsendforactqyofhisAIDS m--