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C3PR Initial Configuration Guide 2.5.5


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The Cancer Center Participant Registry (C3PR) is a web-based application used for end-to-end registration of patients to clinical trials. This includes capturing the consent signed date, eligibility criteria, stratification, randomization, and screening. Clinical workflows are enabled by both subject- and study-centric views into the registration process. C3PR can be run in a standalone mode where study definitions, investigators, study personnel, and sites are entered into the system, or C3PR can be run in an integrated mode with the caBIG Clinical Trials Suite (CCTS). C3PR also enables multi-site clinical trials where registration information is entered locally at affiliate sites and the registration is completed by call-out to the coordinating site.

Throughout the development of C3PR, a number of elaborator and adopter sites are actively being engaged to help define requirements and test the application. Our primary elaborators include Duke, Wake Forest, Mayo, Westat, CALGB, CCR, and the Coalition of Cooperative Groups. Our primary adopters include Duke and Wake Forest with engagement of Georgetown and CCR.

C3PR release 1 was developed by Nortel Solutions and released in 2006. Release 2 was developed by Duke Cancer Center in collaboration with SemanticBits, LLC and was released in March, 2008. We are currently in the next phase of development with releases slated for the end of September, 2008 and March, 2009.


The C3PR Initial Configuration Guide is intended for administrators of the C3PR system. This guide will give you an overview of how to administer and configure a pre-installed C3PR system.

Important: Once you have completed the tasks on this page you must go to the C3PR Administration section to configure pre-populated data that is needed before end users can enter information into the C3PR application.

C3PRV2.5 consists of a Java web application that based on the J2EE Servlets infrastructure, WSRF-compliant web services that are built on top of caGrid infrastructure, and JBI components that are hosted by Apache ServiceMix JBI container.

Note: Some manual modification of the Hibernate configuration files may be necessary. Hibernate is a set of libraries included with C3PR.

Related Documentation

End User Analysis Technical Management

C3PR Main Project Page

End User Guide 2.5.5

Installation Guide 2.5.5

Configuration Guide 2.5.5

Release Notes

Tear Sheet

Use Cases 2.5.5

Requirements Specification 2.5.5

Activity Diagrams 2.5.5

Architecture Guide 2.5.5

Deployment Diagrams 2.5.5

Project Plan 2.5.5

Scrum Artifacts

Adoption Plan 2.5.5

Communications Plan 2.5.5

Test Plan 2.5.5

User Acceptance Tests 2.5.5

Arc Requests

C3PR Administration and Logins

Important: Once you have completed the tasks on this page you must go to the C3PR Administration section to configure pre-populated data that is needed and create end user accounts before end users can enter information into the C3PR application.

User Logins

By default C3PRV2.5 will redirect users to a login page where users are asked to enter their username and password. C3PRV2.5 uses caCORE Common Security Module (CSM version 3.2) and Acegi Security for authentication and authorization. By default the c3prv2 system ships with the following logins and roles.

Login Name Default Password User Group
c3pr_admin c3pr_admin System administrator
c3pr_registrar c3pr_registrar Registrar
c3pr_study_coordinator c3pr_study_coordinator Study Coordinator

Depending on the User Group the User belongs to, the user will have certain privileges and will not be able to access certain sections of the C3PRV2.5 web application. More details can be found in the C3PRv2 design document.

To administer the authorization module of C3PRV2.5 you will need to use the CSM (Common Security Model) for User Authorization Provisioning. To download and install CSM go to the NCICB Download Site and scroll down the page to CSM (Common Security Module) and click the Download link.

Authorization is configurable at build time by setting the enableAuthorization flag. For more information refer the design document and/or the C3PRV2.5 installation guide.


C3PRV2.5 system uses Log4J for logging. By default the logging is set to a minimum so that only errors and severe problems encountered during the runtime are logged. But there might be situations where you would like to get some detailed information on system failures. To change any of the log4j settings for C3PRV2.5 system you will have to edit the file. This file for a pre-deployed C3PRV2.5 system will be typically in the WEB-INF folder of your web application.

To make edits to the WEB-INF/ file you will need to be familiar with the Log4j API. More information on this can be found at

Note: You will have to restart your application server (tomcat) for the new logging rules to take effect.

Database connection

C3PRV2.5 relies on a relational database for persisting information. There might be a situation when a pre-deployed C3PRV2.5 systems database connection details need to be modified. To change the database connection details you will have to edit the (in the antfiles directory) and re-deploy C3PRV2. For more information on deploying C3PRV2.5 go to the Installation Guide

This will be changed in a future iteration to enable making this change without having to re-build C3PRV2.5.

ESB Communication

C3PRV2.5 has the capability to communicate using an ESB (caAdapter) with other CTMSi applications. For more information on the design refer the Integration Design Document

C3PRV2.5 has two channels of communications with the ESB. It has the ability to send messages and also receive messages.

Sending Messages

The properties related to sending messages are

  • esb.brokerUrl - This property represents the URL of the ESB (caAdapter). There are situations where this can change or you would like to use a different ESB.
  • broadcastEnable - This property will disable or enable sending messages to the ESB. A value of "false" will stop sending messages to the ESB.

Note: You will have to re-deploy the C3PRV2.5 system for these new properties to take effect.

Receiving messages

C3PRV2.5 also has the capability to receive messages from the ESB. This is done by deploying a special grid service that will accept messages from the ESB. To disable receiving messages, simply shut down or remove the RegistrationConsumer grid service. This will typically be deployed in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/wsrf

Note: This grid service is not deployed by default in the present iteration of C3PRV2


Term Definition
AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
API Application Programming Interface
BC Binding Component
caArray cancer Array Informatics
caBIG cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid
caBIO cancer Biomedical Infrastructure Objects
caCORE cancer Common Ontologic Representation Environment
caDSR cancer Data Standards Repository
C3PR Cancer Translational Research Informatics Platform
CDE Common Data Element
CSM Common Security Module
CSV Comma Delimited
DAO Data Access Objects
DCQL Distributed Common Query Language
DWR Direct Web Remoting
EA Enterprise Architect
ESB Enterprise Service Bus
EVS Enterprise Vocabulary Services
GAARDS Grid authentication and authorization with Reliably Distributed Services
GUI Graphical User Interface
HASTE High-level Automated System Test Environment
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IdP Identity Provider
JAAS Java Authentication and Authorization Service
JAR Java Archive
Javadoc Tool for generating API documentation in HTML format
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
JMS Java Message Service
JSP JavaServer Pages
JUnit A simple framework to write repeatable tests
metadata Definitional data that provides information about documentation or other data
NCI National Cancer Institute
NCICB National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics
NMR Normalized Message Router
ORM Object Relational Mapping
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
SDK Software Development Kit
SE Service Engine
Semantic connector A development kit to link model elements to NCICB EVS concepts
SQL Structured Query Language
UML Unified Modeling Language
WSRF Web service resource framework
KC Projects