International Headquarters 1701 K St. N.W.. Suite 203, Washington, D.C. 20006-I 581 (202) 31-1346 April 4, 1983 Honorable Everett Koop, M.D. Surgeon General Room 716 G 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 Dear Honorable Dr. Koop: Thank you for the time spent a few weeks back discussing with Sargent the Atlantoaxial Dislocation condition in Down Syndrome individuals who participate in Special Olympics. Your advice and guidance on this matter has proven to be quite valuable. I have enclosed the memorandum, policy statement and supportive information which we have sent to all Special Olympics organizations with instructions to carry out the policy by May 15, 1983. I believe that the policy provides proper safeguards for Special Olympics participants with Down Syndrome while still offering the benefits of active participation in sports training and competition. We always want to do what is best for all mentally retarded participants, including those who may have the Atlantoaxial Dislocation condition. If you have any further recommendations or comments, please do not hesitate to write or call me directly. We can always send "flash bulletins" if you see the need for modification of our policy. EKS/hss Eunice Kennedy Shriver, President Robert M. Montague, Jr., Brigadier General USA (Ret.). Executive Director Frank J. Hayden, Ph.D., Director of International Development Thomas B. Songster, Ph.D., Director of Sports and Recreation Created and sponsored by The Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation 4 qgi4