p+d+/ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Profemor R.8. 8aahary 72 `Ibsor $trmt Kempsey, m 2440 Au8tralia ?irst of all, gratings of this marvelom seamon to you and Win. Eotty and I are very happy for you both. My appointment runs until ?fcmmber 17, 1973. ?%om &to trted 80 hard to keep mt out of offiae got mt an extra pearl I would larrs to be reappointed at that tims and at loa*t stay in a8 long as the Pre*ibant does until the enU of 1968, I know I will never retire and I can't think of a job in which I uottld be axe pmduutive and happy. YQU will ba fntersstd to knm that all of wr efforts about Baby DOB and the regulations that uere mitten, baaed upam Civil Rights kqislatim, were eventually strtxzk dam fn the uourts i3nd u6i were for a tine without protecWon for these infattt8. `ibsn, Uue to two year8 of edua8tion in the prerrr uhethar they wanted it or not, Cmgrem reacted. First, in the Cmgreu and than in the knate, bills were drawn up in the tom of amendments to the new Child Abu80 Legi81aticmr uhiah put the responribility for tmnitoring and enforument not cm the ?Weral Government, but on tha individual utater. After a txmtermce betwen both Bouses of Congrls88, a oarpromise uas reachM ant! the Prerrident signed the bill into law on October 9th, which called for the writing af tegulationu on &ffniticm8 of handiaappeU newbfarn8, a8 wll aa a mu definition to be included on Child Abuse, namly, "the wfthholding of tiic?ally benefioial treatment (inaluUing nutrition, hydration, and meUiaation) Iran handicapped newbotn8g. I was the in-hou8a e%pert on the languags and ths regulations having to do with the8e ammdments and war given the complete rwponsibility for writing the guidelitn8 fox infant oare rwimt camittee8 Ba be s8tablirhed voluntarily in h08pitalS to get a b8ttw fOtU8i in whfah them thing8 might be di8oUSSed and, thbtefore, not railroaded thraogh without some campetent understanding and compausiona~ people having an influetme. They now go out for mment and will be rewritten and then will tmcmm law. I will smd you a copy to rkim under mtparate aover. o ? ?? ???? ?? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???? ? On q return trip from Xttrael r&a&Wy, I stopp&l in HanchesY'sr and gave an Ronor Leature on Pdiatrfatt and than 8at on a panel in reference to lkby Doe ta aelebrate the 1SOth Annivetrsary of the Wanahwter Wiaal Surety. I wa8 up again8t people of total: ly opposite cmtviations, but did have the It U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1983419-531 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Page 2 - Profe88or R.B. Xachary 6atirf66ticm of having a ntmbW of -16 6ay 8uah things to 6~4 ai)t gYou ate nothing like yuu are reptesantd in the pre68* or "1'1 60 glad to hear the truth about Baby DOS". I took off, ammg other thinglr after Miahael OWcmnell who h6U wrfttm rub\ a biasad, prejudfmtd and totally inaccurate ~I~KHB in the Brfti8h RMical Jourrml. I don*thear muah frommy wlropemn aollwgues,but& kncwthat MiohQl cU~8ortne 18 we11 md that Fetter Rfakbn, amsrently, t8 not. Pet6r ia cwarpletely ratir6U and Micthella ID mwt diroauragdl about the effeat of cm6uunf66 an th6 practicer of mediuine in ?rancm. Batty sand8 hr 1000 6nd will write in the l&w Year. 8irmrely yours, C. lberett Kemp, M.D. Surg6on Osneral It U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1983419531