DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES August 12, 1982 Mr. Morris B. Abram Chairnan President'sGommission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Madicinc and Biomedical and Behavioral Research suite 55s 2000 )I Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Dear Mr. Abram: Representative Henry Hyde has forwarded to me your letter to him of June 3, 1982, and requested that I furnish you with furthsr material on the subject of the ethical issues regarding care of dsfective newborn infants. I share a concern of those who view many of the statements contained in the staff background paper prepared for tha Commission's hearing on January 9, 1982, as inscnsitivc to the needs and aspirations of handicapped children. Mr. Hyde, you stated that: In your letter to "When a Commission undertakes the sort of basic inquiry in which wc are engaged, it is necessary for us to go back to fundamental pro ositions and to examine each one, cvcn ones w ich seem K self-evident. As a fellow lawyer, I am sure you are familiar with the statements which arc made -* Such propositions are tested out mere y as a way of refuting them." I was particularly troubled by the statement on page 6 of the staff paper which reads: "Even if one believes that an individual infant is a person and that the moral protections and duties usually associated with personhood attach to such an infant, thcrc remain a number of questions. These can bu grouped under two general categories -- decisions based on the best interest of the Page 2 - Mr. Morris B, Abram infant and those based on the interests of third parties." I did not see in the staff paper a treatment of this statc- mcnt as you suggest, that is, as a proposition which is tested out merely as a way of refuting it. I look forward to reading a strong refutation of this position in the final Commission report. In. general, I think that the questioning of fundamental propositions as part of the Commission's mandate would have its limitations, For example, I would assume that in deliberation of the Commission regarding the ethical and moral parameters of government provision of health services the Commission would not question what I would consider to be a fundamental proposition that government services should not be made available on the basis of race nr that certain people may be excluded from government s=te.r~~ric~s due to their racial background. Perhaps some fundamental propositions arc more fundamental than others. In 1976 I addressed the American Academy of Pediatrics as the recipient that year of the Academy's William E. Ladd medal. I took that occasion to discuss the medical and ethical dimensions of the treatment-decisions regarding the care of newborn infants with a defect incompatible with life. That address has been reprinted in the latest issue of the Human Life Rcvicw. I believe it most clearly states my phil+y and oonocrns regarding this issue and I have taken the liberty of enclosing a copy of it for you. I would be happy to discuss this matter with you and members of the Commission at your convenience. Sincerely yours, C. Evbrett Koop, M.D. Surgeon General cc: Mr. Henry Hyde bee: Mr. Carl Anderson Mr. David Swoap Prepared by:CEK:vsd, 8/12/82 cc: EXSEC and CL0 LE cl PV OPFICB SUBNAMB DATE OPFICB SURNAMB DATB OFFICE SURNAMB DATE -- -~ -- ..--... ."-. ,....--- -.. -- _I -. ~.____ I__. . ..-.. ----I-- .--.