PO Box 2954 Farmington Hills, Mich. 48018 February 20, 1982 Mr. C. Everett Koop Surgeon General 200 Independence Drive Washington, D. C. 20201 Re: Human Life Bill S. 1741 We hope that you will take the time to read the information and the requests contained in this letter and it's attachments. We are send- ing a letter to each senator in order to get their support for Senate bill S. 1741. We are writing out of deep concern for the value and dignity of human life. As Christians we believe in the special and unique quality of hu- man life, as created in the image of the infinite-personal God. `We see a trend in this country which is very subtle and which causes us great distress. Only twenty years ago abortion on demand was socially unthinkable. As time goes on the unthinkable things, when incessantly promoted, become slowly accepted. Wiiat disturbs us is the dominoe effect of ideas. When one barrier, considered unthinkable, is surmounted, it opens the door for the next "unthinkable" to become accepted. Are you aware that since abortion has become "legal" that infanti- cide has slipped silently and unpublicized into our country? Infants which are deformed or unwanted are left to starve to death every day in hospital wards. This is indisputable. Euthanasia is already being considered by many leading medical researchers as an accept- able practice. Why is our government allowing this trend to take place? Why is the "sactity of life" ethic being replaced by the "quality of life" ethic? The door that this type of thinking opens is dreadful. We believe that the unborn, the most innocent of all human life, should be defended and protected. We appeal to you to support the Human Life Bill ( S. 1714 ). This bill would immediately reverse this frightful trend and again reaffirm the sactity of human life. We are certain there is no other matter as crucial as this one before the Congress. Please support the Hu- man Life Bill. Many have sat back and assumed that the Supreme Court is the final authority and word on this issue and that they must be correct in their Roe vs Wade decision, but it must be remembered that the Supreme Court has made dreadful mistakes in the past regarding human life. The most blatant example of this is the Dred Scott vs Sanford in which the black man was essentially classified as a "non-person". This seems to us to be parallel to the case today which has made the unborn child also a non-person. We need to right this tragic mistake and again reaffirm the value and sanctity of human life. artfelt Appeal,