UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF THE -HEALTH SCIENCES 4301 JONES BRIDGE ROAD BETHESDA, MARYLAND 208144799 i 0!3ice of the Dean Graduate School of Nursing (301)295-1993 (Voice) (301)295-9006 (FAX) September 24, 1996 Dear Chick: As President of the Anchor and Caduceus Society, we, your friends and colleagues, join you on this very special occasion of you 80th birthday celebration. Before 1980, I knew of you only through your publications and pioneering neonatal surgery. What a special day it was when God sent you to the Public Health Service! ! As Surgeon General of the United States, you brought enormous respect and credibility to the Corps. The nine years we worked together were the highlights of my career in the Public Health Service. You have given us so much -- your dedication, loyalty and integrity. You are an inspiration to me and all Corps officers. I have come to love you and Betty very much and consider you both my dearest friends. With deepest respect and admiration and best wishes for many productive and healthful years ahead. 3 ?r L RADM Faye G. Abdellah, USPHS (Ret.) Former Deputy Surgeon General Dean and Professor Graduate School of Nursing, USUHS Printed on Recycled Paper