Jljp 8 1983 Howard C. Biletan, PY.5.3. Profewor of Padiatrio $urqwy and Pediatrics Duke tJnivetsity Xediual Center P.0, Box NW! Durham, Rarth Carolina 27710 Dear Rowardt I feel 43uilty far not having responded to your letter of late Btmch earlier than this. Becaum of litigation I am prohibited from oommuniuatinq on the rubject of Infant Doa IPsgulatitms and, in additim to that, my four nightls out of tan away fran Washington, inuludfng a lot of foreign travel, sake it difficult to keep up with cxxreqondence. I am not going to go into any explanation of Infant Doe at this time! 3 would like to do that with yw in perwn. I was not happy about the way cmtafn thing8 were oarried out althouqh, as you knaw, X am thoroughly in favor of the intent of the Regulation which is to prevent the starving to death of children with hanffiuapa. I have succeeded in bringing together the various groupa that rued RRS and auted as interpreter for them to Jaas and vice veraa. Subsequent meetings I think have been fruitful and P am in hopear that when the new Rags are published as a Hotice of Propowd Rule Making with a eixty-day rmpcmse period, that m aan tmme to a mmtinq of the mfndu and achieve the enda, of the Government and keep those who care for children happy. It's a long saga and I intend to wit it to writing aemeday. My love to Mancy. Sinuerely your8, Dictated by Dr. Koop:vsd, 5131183 h/c*. Everett Koop M-D, c. 8verett Itoap, E&D: Burgson Oeneral