3 I-C) a v I I,y )V C C 'I 1; C, ye@@@,rs c c,@ w-' I t II C- I:") c e f@ c- @-:,l C.! y ,is c@ f 7 Y-@ i.n r c c C., of il@,,a(-i-41--@,7 w-Li.1 I:() c- r c Gi.vc.,ri I.El to h@.,s cl in a c'@@- i o ii i r,@ of to i, f2 d z i j It -I.s ,:t p r c i-'c i@. II c t ci i Ir@@ c, r-I a 2 C E' f 3@- i-., for: j- r hc, 1, C) v f r u G L'@ a s t rj c L, , 1?: C.";-! t y i@t t@-i, 1 c@ r s t, 0 1. i@i t Help lriL-et of k,c a 3. c, Or) p r Ne t (@ area c li r@ c@@-.@c., c L'@ l@ i.t:@@, of- more c- n r r t@Lis rae at,, the espE:c4-ally prac'-- ic Fiea prof Ev3 @3 4 priva@.-c sector l@--gely. (2) R@P essentially j,,:, drawer,.. c.@ @l e a v y upon existing her,'LI-h reL,-,oi.,,rcr: (3) Thou@c-;Ii to hav@ L, empli.?,sis, Lo be effective that E@i.u@,;t be subs,@ine wi.@-I in or va-,@GE-- s,,ibscrvic@-'It Lo 'Cl.-o@.jer comprehc@iisiNte ap- proac@i,.es. It is thes,--- 'Droad, shared Foaj.,@ on the Free 'Ji.and and the character- istics and ap,,-)rojc@,es u-,iiq-.ae to t-.no ol.@l-ief, t.@iat s'@i,3pe its more specific and obic-cti,ves, 'file of to- (1) Pro,-;iote and derr@c.)rstrate at the local level both n6-,7 tec@iniq,-i-,c-s and dc,],i,.,ery patterns for 'improving the accessibililu-y, and effectiveness of heath, care. At this the Lat:Ler would include, for exaiTple, encouraE,@Lrg prov@.dc2--l- accer-,-,@,rice of and c.-xtc@nding resources sL,.npol-@-'Lve of Ilea,Lt@, Org.,Anizati.on.,3. (2) Stitnalate and support those that w-,Lil bot.@ help @Leal.th manpower to providc,.in(.-)re and I>c,@Ler care and wil-L result. in the raore ef-Fe,@IL-4-ve -L,.,L-@.il,izat-i-on of- new kinds (or combinations,) of health Further, to do this in ,@ay thc-Lt. will insure t'i,.at pro essioi-ial, scientific and t e c l@,'T 'Lc a a c v,'- t e f a L 1- n f 0 r -D. @i t n@ent and fare w'.1c.1- ici the Cor-,,-iL!xt Of 4 At-- this tj-rfil- II,,, @3 i- wi Oi I a c i. L i.c-,,@ t: C'f f ec 'c@. vc, l@y ,i@ I (I 'I@e6d to of i.n Origin ctn(i (3) Encoura&e pro\7-i-ders to a,@,cey,,t or@,(,! to initiate and other resources so 1-01@e appropriate? 'Ll-,,@,t--'@.o-r @@@i t)e accessible and a'c. -Lbe Iccal @i,iie levels. In fieLds t@Lei-,@e a--e rc-!.,.;,.)urces, such @s kie@T@ey d-is case, 1, rtictile.@- be placed on sucii care mqy be moderated. Id c 2L i'y or assist to the tatio@, o4 new and spt@ci,r-ic that provide quality co.iti-ol and iriproved o-.c carc,, Such, q-tiL"@.ity 'delines and pe;-@o review will. be @,-equi.-ed gul L especially in relatior@, to new a.-id L-,cre effective copipre'llert- sive systems of I!ealth services. Even in its niol-e ,Ip,@c@ific ot)j@ct-Lves, It@,!P cannot function in isolation, but oily by woriirig w@t.t@i L,@iiid contributing to related l@'ec7icral and other eff(,,,-Ls at the local., state, are.(] regional levels, particularly state artf! areanlid c- Health Pl.an-liirle, activities. Moreover, to be that i-,,o@3t K@4p-supl-)ort('-d oi-ice initial g e ri c@, i, E, 1 yI J@ b, 2 aL,@'f a,@r 1". c, Ic. f -t2 t@ ue i c r; c aa L-@ absorbed w:Lt'k-ii.i-i a reasonable and agr2e-@' c@@jor, -n, w@?,,@i be regularly re--it-tvc?@teci. It of a ref lect-'@ng PEj it doE:,r; bc)@@l@-I takc, into account a variety of -@Fac"-C;r Ut '-I of criteria. 97@, criteria by which willk results of its (2' D,@,rforina;ice, 'Itit:t (3) the strtLcturL@ by A. Criteria to a and the intended oy-@ of it,. future act@@v- ities, will include: (1) The extent to whi(,h reflect a prc@@ii.der acti.oti-plan of hire prio-;.- ty 1-c-e.@ds ar,(Ii Gore co w,".t:l@@ 11-iie over@'11.1 C> i,vc-,, o@ r@" (2) The degree, to i,7'iich ',ic,-w or are to be role broadly di.SDC-!rSL(,' SO that: !Bar e-' or people wij.l -ecei-vc, better curve, (3) The extent to w@i-'@ch the wi-.Il- to increased Utilization Find effectiv@,@.riess of , ; , ,,@ I of Is, @.-.nci . @,@ @ . 41 Pai,e 6 tha@- w-, I n rLaidi tri- -@on, and (--.Early e the action- p ".I t@ i, e 11 t (5) The tin b i. e t he r t y I.n bet@, c-.er, contir.u'-t3r i@rku There are, 7,,.oreover of I, c I,,arac ter I-- I,,a t a 1 s o w 't 1 i3e u 6 S 1) c c@:L (7 ) !"tie e-@ter@-t to w"i@@4-c'L-i -Lery-,@is o I L L (jual.it\r, @,@-id cc@st-. be achieved by the activities proposed. ,,7114 r[1 t: T- -o i tl (8) The degree @ic- Lib:lity of riultipi-e r i s (as opposed to or tc) c@-re. (9) 'i'iie to WI-ich they wl,li I-ocal, ,,tatl-e .md other fund,-, or, con-@.ie.-,-;ely, @.rc, t(." '13c, SUPI)ortive of other Federa':L e@lfori@-s. P- n c c B Pc@rf or@ w2 11 itic'itde. a region )as si-,cce@.d@d i)-i; it-.a own goals, o L,)e v 0 t Page 7 (2) T e Y, t ci L i@ o @i, i-, c,@ ti k c ri I,%, v o o@@, 'co in, i t i.@l 1. 1 y y regular health -are i-i g s,i i, Process w, (1) The a-@, 4'.P as @i fi@.rictionitig Izi-,e (2) The exte@-t i:c, zi i@i' 0,@- c, s t 6 of a ai.-e J.ttod to and actively (3) The de&ree to orgatiizaLi-c,ri and 6kc.@rc'(,,,pc.,d -Li, cciijilriction with Cillp, a!: the local Icr sui-l@regi(@@Ial) (4) The degree to vjci@Lch is a @-rd ongoing identification arid ol-@ iic-.eei , proljlc-,,-ris, and resources; traiisl.atocl itito the regio@q's con-L)@ruc,-,,,3!y (5) The adeq,.iacy of thc-, re,ricii, s c-4iid (,v, I-L!.,Itio,-i 6 processes arLd effort--- 'Lo date@ in of f(-- cll-@ack to validates mod'Lfy, or eiiiairiste' activities