2003 Conference Reports : NIDDK

2003 Conference Reports

Adipose Tissue Secretory Function and Its Role in Obesity-Associated Co-Morbidities
December 11-13, 2003

Urologic Complications in Diabetes
December 3-4, 2003

Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria
November 20-21, 2003

Phenotyping Obesity for Human Genetic Studies
October 28-30, 2003

Research Insights into Interstitial Cystitis: A Basic and Clinical Symposium
October 30 - November 1, 2003

Epidemiology of Interstitial Cystitis Task Force
October 29, 2003

Diabetic Complications: Progress through Animal Models
October 20-21, 2003

A Symposium Honoring 111 Years of Research in NIDDK by Herbert Tabor and Celia White Tabor
October 10, 2003

The Human Liver Proteome Initiative
July 17-18, 2003

Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) Task Force
May 18, 2003

NIDDK Network of Minority Research Investigators (NMRI) Workshop:
May 1-2, 2003

Metabolic Imprinting and the Long-Term Complications of Diabetes Mellitus: Bench to Bedside and Back
20th Anniversary of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications Study (EDIC)
April 10-11, 2003

Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-Like Modifications in Health and Disease
March 24-25, 2003

Workshop on Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease: Options for Intervention
March 10-11, 2003

Renal Clinical Trials Network Consortium
February 4-5, 2003

Biology of the Aging Kidney Workshop

January 23-24, 2003

The Conduct of Clinical Trials in Crohn's Disease
January 13-14, 2003

Advanced Topics in Microarray Analysis
January 22, 2003
Imaging the Pancreatic Beta Cell
April 21-22, 2003
New Investigators Workshop
April 7-8, 2003
Proteomics in Diabetes
April 24-25, 2003

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