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Acupuncture (PDQ®)
Patient VersionHealth Professional VersionLast Modified: 09/26/2008
Table 5. Clinical Studies of Acupuncture: For Other Cancer-Related or Cancer Treatment–Related Symptomsa

Reference Citation(s)  Type of Study  Condition Treated  No. of Patients: Enrolled; Treated; Controlb  Strongest Benefit Reportedc  Concurrent Therapy (Yes/No/ Unknown)d  Level of Evidence Scoree 
[1] RCT Symptoms of weight loss, cough, thoracodynia, hemoptysis, fever, and side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy 76; 38 acupuncture; 38 no acupuncture Weight gain, symptom relief, fewer side effectsf No 1iiC
[35] Phase I pilot study Menopausal symptoms in breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen 15; 15 acupuncture; none Anxiety, depression, and somatic and vasomotor symptoms improvedg No 3iiiC
[35] Nonconsecutive case series, surveyed retrospectively Unspecified symptoms (including pain, xerostomia, hot flashes, nausea/loss of appetite) from cancer or cancer treatment 79; 79 traditional Chinese acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, percutaneousnerve stimulation, Korean hand acupuncture, or Japanese scalp acupuncture; none 60% showed at least 30% improvement Yes (standard medical therapies) 3iiiC
[36] Nonconsecutive case series Radiation rectitis in women treated for cervical cancer 44; 44 acupuncture; none 73% radiation rectitis cured: no blood or mucus for 15 days No 3iiiC
[39] Nonconsecutive case series Postoperative lower extremity lymphedema in women treated for gynecologic tumors 24; 24 acupuncture and moxibustion; none Edema prevented or markedly reduced Unknown 3iiiC
[8] Nonconsecutive case series Xerostomia after radiation therapy in patients with cancer 13; 13 acupuncture; none Symptoms improved Yes (not specified) 3iiiC
[8] Nonconsecutive case series Night sweats, hot flashes in patients with cancer 6; 6 acupuncture; none Symptoms improved Yes (not specified) 3iiiC
[37] Case report Dysphonia after radiation therapy 1; 1 acupuncture; none Voice recovered Unknown Not applicable
[38] Case report Esophageal obstruction in patients with esophageal cancer 2; 2 acupuncture; none Obstruction relieved and normal bowel movements restored Yes (not specified) Not applicable
[44] Nonconsecutive case series Vasomotor symptoms for breast and prostate cancer 194; 194; none 79% showed 50% or greater reduction in hot flashes none 3iiiC
[41] RCT Pain/depression 138; 93 acupuncture and massage; 45 usual care Increased pain relief/decreased depression Yes (usual care) 1iiC
[40] RCT Hot flashes in breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors 72; 42; 30 Reduction of hot flashes but no statistical difference between acupuncture and sham treatment Yes; SSRIs 1iiC
[43] RCT Cancer-related fatigue 47; 31; 16 Improved fatigue levels None 1iiC
[42] RCT Hot flushes 45; 27 EA; 18 hormone therapy Vasomotor symptoms improved Unknown 1iiC

EA = electroacupuncture; No. = number; RCT = randomized controlled trial; SSRIs = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
aSee text and the NCI Dictionary for additional information and definition of terms.
bNumber of patients treated plus number of patients control may not equal number of patients enrolled; number of patients enrolled equals number of patients initially considered by the researcher who conducted a study; number of patients treated equals number of enrolled patients who were given the treatment being studied AND for whom results were reported.
cStrongest evidence reported that the treatment under study has anticancer activity or otherwise improves the well-being of cancer patients.
dConcurrent therapy for symptoms treated (not cancer).
eFor information about levels of evidence analysis and an explanation of the level of evidence scores, see Levels of Evidence for Human Studies of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
f P < .001, versus baseline.
g P < .001, versus baseline.


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